Drug War and Drug Policy

GOP Mogul Behind Drug Rehab ‘Torture’ Centers Is Bankrolling Opposition to Pot Legalization in Colorado GOP Mogul Behind Drug Rehab ‘Torture’ Centers Is Bankrolling Opposition to Pot Legalization in Colorado

Mel Sembler, a major fundraiser for Romney, led a drug "treatment” center that was forced to shut down because of allegations of child abuse. 

Sep 18, 2012 / Lee Fang

Can the Caravan of Peace End the War on Drugs? Can the Caravan of Peace End the War on Drugs?

More than 100 activists are traveling from the Mexican border to Washington, DC, to push the US to reconsider failed drug policies.

Aug 7, 2012 / Tom Hayden

Having AIDS Is Not a Crime: A DC March Demands an End to Discriminatory Police Tactics Having AIDS Is Not a Crime: A DC March Demands an End to Discriminatory Police Tactics

Outside the International AIDS Conference in Washington, DC, thousands of activists took to the White House to call for an end to the laws that drive the epidemic.

Jul 27, 2012 / Melissa Gira Grant

The Pot Making the Prisoners Black The Pot Making the Prisoners Black

Rational marijuana policy isn’t about getting to smoke joints. It’s about civil rights.

Jul 27, 2012 / Cord Jefferson

WikiLeaks and the War on Drugs

WikiLeaks and the War on Drugs WikiLeaks and the War on Drugs

Cablegate revealed just how far the US goes to drive Mexico’s counternarcotics operations.

Jul 25, 2012 / Feature / Blanche Petrich Moreno

Breaking Bad’s Failed American Dream Breaking Bad’s Failed American Dream

The “most dangerous show on television” highlights our shredded social contract.

Jul 11, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Max Rivlin-Nadler

Apologies to Mexico Apologies to Mexico

America sells pain to our southern neighbor and buys numbness in return.

Jul 10, 2012 / Rebecca Solnit

The Movement for Peace and Justice in Mexico The Movement for Peace and Justice in Mexico

Mexican poet and activist Javier Sicilia lost his son to a drug cartel. Now he’s part of a movement to end the drug wars.

Jun 5, 2012 / Umar Farooq and Connor Guy

Obama Lights Up the War on Pot Obama Lights Up the War on Pot

The administration promised a sensible approach to drug policy. So why are the feds attacking the medical marijuana industry?

May 30, 2012 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

Honduras: Which Side Is the US On?

Honduras: Which Side Is the US On? Honduras: Which Side Is the US On?

In the name of fighting drugs, the Obama administration has allied itself with a corrupt coup regime.

May 22, 2012 / Feature / Dana Frank
