Drug War and Drug Policy

Trump Sinks to New Depths of Deceit and Depravity

Trump Sinks to New Depths of Deceit and Depravity Trump Sinks to New Depths of Deceit and Depravity

His mendacity level was through the roof, and his lack of empathy was even more on display.

Oct 23, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky



Police violence against Black Americans prevails with impunity. Billboard: Grand Ave, Phoenix, AZ . Photo: Lynn Trimble (Phoenix New Times)

Sep 30, 2020 / OppArt / Karen Fiorito

Why Drug Overdoses Have Gone Up During the Pandemic

Why Drug Overdoses Have Gone Up During the Pandemic Why Drug Overdoses Have Gone Up During the Pandemic

“It’s really hard to think about recovery, or putting down substances, when your basic human needs aren’t being met.”

Sep 17, 2020 / Mattea Kramer

Wake of the Giant

Wake of the Giant Wake of the Giant

Prejudice against Black Americans is countered by unity and strength, a giant force to fight for justice.

Sep 17, 2020 / OppArt / Dáreece Walker

Systemic Racism

Systemic Racism Systemic Racism

Eyeing that history.

Aug 17, 2020 / OppArt / Jos Sances

Ending Mass Incarceration Is Only the Beginning

Ending Mass Incarceration Is Only the Beginning Ending Mass Incarceration Is Only the Beginning

Victoria Law and Maya Schenwar, authors of Prison By Any Other Name, argue that prison reform just widens the net of the criminal justice system.

Aug 12, 2020 / Q&A / Daniel Fernandez

Timothy Shea

Why Are Mayors Inviting Trump’s Federal Agents Into Their Cities? Why Are Mayors Inviting Trump’s Federal Agents Into Their Cities?

The Trump administration’s “anti-crime,” anti-cities agenda goes beyond sending DHS agents to Portland, and some mayors are fine with that.

Jul 24, 2020 / Alex S. Vitale

Austin, Texas, Just Voted to End the Drug War

Austin, Texas, Just Voted to End the Drug War Austin, Texas, Just Voted to End the Drug War

Voters just nominated a candidate for DA who says, “On day one, we will end the prosecution of low-level drug offenses.”

Jul 16, 2020 / John Nichols

Why Won’t Democrats Just Come Out for Legalizing Marijuana?

Why Won’t Democrats Just Come Out for Legalizing Marijuana? Why Won’t Democrats Just Come Out for Legalizing Marijuana?

It’s popular. It’s the right thing to do. But as with so many key issues, Biden keeps pressuring the party to pull its punches.

Jul 10, 2020 / John Nichols

How to Make Defunding the Police a Reality

How to Make Defunding the Police a Reality How to Make Defunding the Police a Reality

For the past half-century, American cities have spent more on policing each year. All of a sudden, nationwide protests have put divestment on the table.

Jun 29, 2020 / Feature / Bryce Covert
