Economic Policy

A mobile Covid-19 testing site in New York.

What the Country Refused to Learn From the Pandemic What the Country Refused to Learn From the Pandemic

However briefly, the pandemic showed us that such an American world is not only possible but right at our fingertips.

May 4, 2023 / Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis

Sochie Nnaemeka

New York’s Working Families Party Came Back From the Brink. Its Departing Leader Recalls the Battle. New York’s Working Families Party Came Back From the Brink. Its Departing Leader Recalls the Battle.

Andrew Cuomo declared war. Sochie Nnaemeka and allies fought back. She shares her thoughts on his successor and the state of the New York left.

May 1, 2023 / Joan Walsh

Bill Gates

Do Charitable Write-Offs Pay Off? Do Charitable Write-Offs Pay Off?

The nonprofit-industrial complex would have you believe they do.

Apr 28, 2023 / Rebecca Gordon

In the naughty chair: former Fox News host Tucker Carlson

No, You Absolutely Do Not Have to Hand It to Tucker Carlson No, You Absolutely Do Not Have to Hand It to Tucker Carlson

Contra some of his leftist stans, the ousted Fox News host was not actually anti-war or an economic populist.

Apr 28, 2023 / Jeet Heer

Philadelphia’s historic City Hall

Pick ’Em: Making Sense of the Free-for-All Primary for Mayor of Philadelphia Pick ’Em: Making Sense of the Free-for-All Primary for Mayor of Philadelphia

For a job the current incumbent seems eager to leave, the contest has drawn a remarkably diverse field of candidates—and no obvious front-runner.

Apr 26, 2023 / Gene Seymour

Chicago’s Rich Organizing Tradition Paid Off, Delivering Victory for Brandon Johnson

Chicago’s Rich Organizing Tradition Paid Off, Delivering Victory for Brandon Johnson Chicago’s Rich Organizing Tradition Paid Off, Delivering Victory for Brandon Johnson

The Windy City's first movement mayor faces a formidable array of challenges, testing him and the coalition that brought him into office.

Apr 13, 2023 / Barbara Ransby

Newly elected Colombian President Gustavo Petro (C) celebrates with supporters in Bogota

Colombia Adopts an Unprecedented Energy Policy—but Needs Help to Pull It Off Colombia Adopts an Unprecedented Energy Policy—but Needs Help to Pull It Off

Colombia is the first country to declare that it wants to stop digging. Will the world, and particularly the United States, now lend a hand in pulling it out of its economic hole?

Apr 7, 2023 / John Feffer

COP26 Global Day for Climate Justice march, London

Why Has the Right Become Obsessed With Climate-Friendly Banking? Why Has the Right Become Obsessed With Climate-Friendly Banking?

It’s not because they're concerned about climate catastrophe.

Apr 6, 2023 / Stan Cox


What Survivors of War Can Tell Us About Our Broken Health Care System What Survivors of War Can Tell Us About Our Broken Health Care System

Policy-makers once so prepared to place veterans in harm’s way are remarkably unprepared to care for them when they are no longer of direct use.

Apr 5, 2023 / Andrea Mazzarino

A man does a banking transaction at a Citibank ATM fast cash machine.

What if the People Owned the Banks? What if the People Owned the Banks?

The case for public banking.

Mar 28, 2023 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
