Stealth Vouchers Stealth Vouchers
While most of the media focused, with good reason, on the huge increase in military spending and dramatic cuts in domestic programs in President Bush's $2.1 trillion budget propos...
Mar 22, 2002 / Feature / Bill Berkowitz
Il Maestro’s Failed Magic Il Maestro’s Failed Magic
An awakened sense of outrage has reporters and members of Congress playing a fierce game of hounds and hares with Enron executives and other bandits, which is most fortunate for ...
Mar 7, 2002 / William Greider
What Price Stimulus? What Price Stimulus?
"Not over my dead body will they raise your taxes," George W. Bush cryptically proclaimed. The press dutifully translated what he really meant, but few commented on the tasteless...
Jan 10, 2002 / The Editors
Cuban Embargo-Buster? Cuban Embargo-Buster?
Food companies ship supplies to Cuba in the aftermath of Hurricane Michelle, in what could be the beginning of the end for the tediously long US embargo of the island country.
Dec 13, 2001 / Peter Kornbluh
Connect the Enron Dots to Bush Connect the Enron Dots to Bush
The connections between Enron and the Bush administration run deep—and they should be investigated.
Dec 11, 2001 / Column / Robert Scheer
Mending the Safety Net Mending the Safety Net
The social safety net has become frayed because of welfare "reform."
Nov 8, 2001 / The Editors
Scoundrel Time Scoundrel Time
President Bush is using his popularity in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks to push through some deeply partisan legislation.
Nov 1, 2001 / Robert L. Borosage
Stiglitz Roars Back Stiglitz Roars Back
Joe Stiglitz is no fan of Washington consensus-style globalization. Read "The Globalizer Who Came In From The Cold," an interview with Stiglitz on the IMF, World Bank and WTO co...
Oct 15, 2001 / Feature / Tim Shorrock
Trading on Terror Trading on Terror
Moving to exploit a shifting political landscape in the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, President Bush's Congressional ...
Oct 3, 2001 / Feature / John Nichols
Calling All Keynesians Calling All Keynesians
At a time when the economy needs vast and purposeful help from the federal government, America faces a peculiar handicap: Neither political party really believes in liberal econom...
Sep 27, 2001 / William Greider and Robert L. Borosage