Economic Policy

Donald Trump

Populists in Place Populists in Place

He promised the forgotten working folks
 He’d get elites from Wall Street off their backs. His team is here. It’s mostly billionaires And guys who used to work at Goldman Sachs.

Feb 16, 2017 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Putin and Xi at the Red Square

China First, Russia Second, America Third: Trump’s Real Foreign Policy China First, Russia Second, America Third: Trump’s Real Foreign Policy

Despite all his talk, the president isn’t prioritizing American interests.

Feb 14, 2017 / Michael T. Klare

Journalists watch GOP debate

The Trump Administration’s Other War on the Media The Trump Administration’s Other War on the Media

Trump wants to give his corporate allies full control of our media ecosystem. A people-powered movement demanding an open and free Internet is what it will take to stop him.

Feb 14, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Donald Trump

Did Trump Break the Law With His Executive Order on Regulations? Did Trump Break the Law With His Executive Order on Regulations?

A new lawsuit filed in DC makes the case.

Feb 8, 2017 / David Dayen

Congressional Progessive Caucus

It’s Time for the Congressional Progressive Caucus to Raise Its Game It’s Time for the Congressional Progressive Caucus to Raise Its Game

The CPC must move from being the conscience of the Democratic caucus to being its captain, from defining the alternative to defining the agenda.

Feb 8, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

LAX Trump protesters

The Resistance to Trump Is Big, Diverse, and Ferocious The Resistance to Trump Is Big, Diverse, and Ferocious

It will take sustained and strategic action on many fronts to defend our democracy while building a bigger, stronger progressive movement.

Jan 31, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Goldman Sachs

Trump’s Not Draining the Swamp—He’s Filling It Trump’s Not Draining the Swamp—He’s Filling It

Under President Trump, banking sharks will once again have immense influence on the American economy.

Jan 30, 2017 / Nomi Prins

Trump and Peña Nieto

Don’t Expect Mexico’s Elites to Stand Up to Trump Don’t Expect Mexico’s Elites to Stand Up to Trump

They’re too dependent on US aid, so will have to renegotiate NAFTA on his terms—even though the agreement has done far more damage to Mexico.

Jan 25, 2017 / Greg Grandin

Donald Trump withdraws from TPP

Yes, Trump’s Against Free Trade. That Doesn’t Mean He’s For Good Jobs. Yes, Trump’s Against Free Trade. That Doesn’t Mean He’s For Good Jobs.

What would a progressive alternative to the TPP and NAFTA actually entail?

Jan 25, 2017 / Michelle Chen

Why Trump’s Con Can’t Last Forever

Why Trump’s Con Can’t Last Forever Why Trump’s Con Can’t Last Forever

Trump has shown himself a master at populist stunts, but it won’t be long before working people catch on to his game. 

Jan 24, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
