Economic Policy

Monopoly Power Is on the Rise in the US. Here’s How to Fix That.

Monopoly Power Is on the Rise in the US. Here’s How to Fix That. Monopoly Power Is on the Rise in the US. Here’s How to Fix That.

As industries become more concentrated, the state needs to step in to protect access, innovation, and fairness.

May 20, 2016 / Mike Konczal

Oregon TPP protest

The TPP Is ‘Disastrous for Working Families’ and Central to the 2016 Campaign The TPP Is ‘Disastrous for Working Families’ and Central to the 2016 Campaign

A new report highlights the empty promise of a Pacific trade deal that swing-state voters justifiably oppose.

May 19, 2016 / John Nichols

Against Trump, Clinton Should Resist the Temptation of Triangulation

Against Trump, Clinton Should Resist the Temptation of Triangulation Against Trump, Clinton Should Resist the Temptation of Triangulation

By running a progressive campaign and winning, Clinton can do something lasting and important. She can move the center to the left.

May 10, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Evo Morales supporters

Has the Left Run Its Course in Latin America? Has the Left Run Its Course in Latin America?

Hardly. Despite recent setbacks, it has led the region’s “second independence,” benefiting hundreds of millions.

May 10, 2016 / Mark Weisbrot

Silicon Valley Rising protesters

$15 an Hour Won’t Help These Workers $15 an Hour Won’t Help These Workers

A higher minimum wage is necessary, but not enough, to lift part-time workers out of poverty.

May 2, 2016 / Michelle Chen

Before ‘Unity,’ Sanders Must Stay in the Fight

Before ‘Unity,’ Sanders Must Stay in the Fight Before ‘Unity,’ Sanders Must Stay in the Fight

History will not judge the Sanders campaign by the number of votes he won but by how it has shaped this remarkable moment and continues to shape future debates.

Apr 26, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Bernie Sanders leaves the Vatican

Why Sanders Skipped Clooney and Visited the Vatican Why Sanders Skipped Clooney and Visited the Vatican

Sanders’s hope for a moral economy is amplified at the Vatican.

Apr 19, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

A protester with a bullhorn at a protest in Albany

Today Is Tax Day—Are Corporations Paying Their Fair Share? Today Is Tax Day—Are Corporations Paying Their Fair Share?

The amount of money corporations offshore is enough to fund healthcare for over 2 billion people worldwide.

Apr 18, 2016 / Michelle Chen

Bernie Sanders leaves the Vatican

Bernie Sanders Went to Rome to Discuss the Immorality of Unfettered Capitalism Bernie Sanders Went to Rome to Discuss the Immorality of Unfettered Capitalism

Here’s the full text of the speech he delivered at the Vatican.

Apr 17, 2016 / John Nichols

Protesters in Iceland after Panama Papers leak

The Panama Papers Expose the Hidden Wealth of the World’s Super-Rich The Panama Papers Expose the Hidden Wealth of the World’s Super-Rich

This massive leak will boost the global movement to recapture trillions of the hidden wealth of nations.

Apr 5, 2016 / Chuck Collins
