Jeffrey Epstein’s Science of Sleaze Jeffrey Epstein’s Science of Sleaze
Epstein’s scientist “friends” should have known better than to associate with a crackpot transhumanist.
Aug 12, 2019 / Column / Katha Pollitt

‘We Call That Love’: Marc Lambert Lamba Defended Cameroon’s LGBT Community ‘We Call That Love’: Marc Lambert Lamba Defended Cameroon’s LGBT Community
Lambert, who died on August 4, was a pioneering LGBT activist who was there to help—even after foreign support dried up.
Aug 12, 2019 / Obituary / Robbie Corey-Boulet

The American Workplace Still Won’t Accommodate Pregnant Workers The American Workplace Still Won’t Accommodate Pregnant Workers
Pregnant women face discrimination up and down the economic ladder—but low-wage workers suffer the most.
Aug 12, 2019 / Feature / Bryce Covert

How Indigenous Mexicans Took on Big Energy and Won How Indigenous Mexicans Took on Big Energy and Won
A natural gas pipeline was scheduled to go online in 2017, but TransCanada wasn’t counting on indigenous resistance.
Aug 12, 2019 / Martha Pskowski

Mexico’s Crackdown Is Making the Migrant Crisis Worse Mexico’s Crackdown Is Making the Migrant Crisis Worse
Under pressure from the US to ramp up deterrence, security forces have been implicated in the killing of at least two migrants this year.
Aug 9, 2019 / John Washington

Fighting Capitalism With Capitalism Fighting Capitalism With Capitalism
What if employee-owned businesses were the key to a healthier, more humane economy?
Aug 8, 2019 / Nathan Schneider

Uber and Lyft Hate This Bill Uber and Lyft Hate This Bill
California’s AB5 could radically change the gig economy in the ride-hailing services’ home state.
Aug 2, 2019 / Michelle Chen

Why Confrontation With China Threatens the Progressive Agenda Why Confrontation With China Threatens the Progressive Agenda
Playing up the China threat might look like a no-brainer for Democrats trying to beef up their foreign policy credentials. But the strategy could backfire.
Aug 1, 2019 / Jake Werner

Trump’s Demagoguery Is an Old American Tradition Trump’s Demagoguery Is an Old American Tradition
Over 100 years ago, the US exploited racial differences to distract the country from its overwhelming inequality. Trump is doing the same.
Aug 1, 2019 / Adam Hochschild

The Democratic Debates Are an Unprecedented Moment for Americans With Student Debt The Democratic Debates Are an Unprecedented Moment for Americans With Student Debt
The Democratic presidential proposals represent a dramatic shift in the nationwide discussion about tuition costs and student loan debt.
Aug 1, 2019 / StudentNation / Natalia Abrams and Cody Hounanian