
Migrants crossing through Agadez

What Happened When the EU Moved Its Fight to Stop Migration to Niger What Happened When the EU Moved Its Fight to Stop Migration to Niger

Overnight, an EU-backed law criminalized the main source of income in the city of Agadez. It didn’t stop migration, but it wrecked the economy.

Jul 5, 2019 / Rémi Carayol

VIDEO: A General Strike Is Possible, but We Have to Work for It

VIDEO: A General Strike Is Possible, but We Have to Work for It VIDEO: A General Strike Is Possible, but We Have to Work for It

Jane McAlevey, The Nation’s strikes correspondent, explains how strikes will be vital in confronting runaway income inequality and the climate crisis.

Jul 3, 2019 / The Nation


Sorry ‘Washington Post’—Bernie Sanders Is Right About Economic Inequality Sorry ‘Washington Post’—Bernie Sanders Is Right About Economic Inequality

The senator should not be taking heat for using “numbers that add up” to make a point about economic injustice.

Jul 2, 2019 / John Nichols


Hondurans Are Still Fighting the US-Supported Dictatorship Hondurans Are Still Fighting the US-Supported Dictatorship

Ten years after the coup, they have become the largest single Central American nationality in the refugee caravans fleeing north.

Jul 1, 2019 / James North

Stuyvesant High School/Bill de Blasio

Bill de Blasio: Missing in Action Bill de Blasio: Missing in Action

Was New York’s mayor too busy campaigning for president to do something about the city’s segregated elite public schools?

Jun 27, 2019 / StudentNation / Pedro Noguera

Tom Brady against the Jaguars

American Jock Culture in the Trump Era American Jock Culture in the Trump Era

From the NFL’s concealment of player injuries to Tiger Woods kowtowing to Trump, the innocence of US sports is dead.

Jun 26, 2019 / Robert Lipsyte

NYPD gay pride van

Gay Pride Doesn’t Mean Gay Liberation Gay Pride Doesn’t Mean Gay Liberation

LGBTQ visibility is crucial, but it shouldn’t be confused with LGBTQ rights.

Jun 26, 2019 / Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor

Khartoum Sudanese women

The Seasons After the Arab Spring The Seasons After the Arab Spring

Recent uprisings in Sudan and Algeria have avoided mistakes of 2011.

Jun 25, 2019 / Gilbert Achcar

(Christina Horsten/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images)

The Gentrification of Queerness The Gentrification of Queerness

Christopher Street was once a haven for queer people of color. Its transformation into an outpost of white, upper-middle class respectability tells a larger story of exclusion.

Jun 25, 2019 / Feature / Darnell L. Moore

Fighting Poverty

The Right’s Cure for Poverty: Hard Work and Father Figures The Right’s Cure for Poverty: Hard Work and Father Figures

At a hearing, Republicans told a familiar story while the Poor People’s Campaign presented a bold budget proposal.

Jun 20, 2019 / Greg Kaufmann
