The Rent Is Too Damn High, and Progressives Need to Do Something The Rent Is Too Damn High, and Progressives Need to Do Something
Voters want real housing solutions but aren’t getting them from either party.
May 9, 2018 / Sean McElwee and Henry Kraemer

The Rise and Fall of the Latin American Left The Rise and Fall of the Latin American Left
Conservatives now control Latin America’s leading economies, but the region’s leftists can still look to Uruguay for direction.
May 9, 2018 / Omar G. Encarnación

Robert Reich: The Biggest Economic Problem You Aren’t Hearing About Robert Reich: The Biggest Economic Problem You Aren’t Hearing About
Monopolies are making life worse for the vast majority of us while enriching the very few.
May 8, 2018 / The Nation

A Daughter’s Memories in Moscow A Daughter’s Memories in Moscow
When Mikhail Gorbachev came into power, my father offered his consulting services to fledging consumer enterprises in Russia, and several took him up on it.
May 8, 2018 / Michele Willens

Can Yanis Varoufakis Save Europe? Can Yanis Varoufakis Save Europe?
At a moment when many on the right and left have abandoned the European project, Greece’s former finance minister has other plans for the continent.
May 3, 2018 / Books & the Arts / Atossa Araxia Abrahamian

The Persecution of GN Saibaba and India’s ‘Annihilation’ of the Resistance The Persecution of GN Saibaba and India’s ‘Annihilation’ of the Resistance
The plight of a wheelchair-bound professor reveals India’s “Terminator-like” attacks on dissent.
May 2, 2018 / Tekendra Parmar

There Is an Alternative to Brutal Austerity in Puerto Rico There Is an Alternative to Brutal Austerity in Puerto Rico
Bernie Sanders has proposed a Marshall Plan for the islands, instead of an inhumane and antidemocratic oversight board.
May 1, 2018 / John Nichols

Could an Army of Accountants Bring Down Trump? Could an Army of Accountants Bring Down Trump?
In the end, the bean counters might just save us.
May 1, 2018 / Rebecca Gordon

The ‘People’s Pulitzers’ Salute Those Who Give Voice to the Powerless The ‘People’s Pulitzers’ Salute Those Who Give Voice to the Powerless
The remarkable work of this year’s Hillman Prize winners is a timely reminder of the indispensable role of the free press in sustaining a democracy.
May 1, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Flint Is Finally Moving to Help Kids Recover from Lead Poisoning’s Toxic Legacy Flint Is Finally Moving to Help Kids Recover from Lead Poisoning’s Toxic Legacy
A new legal settlement could be a turning point for a community that has struggled with disinvestment for decades.
Apr 27, 2018 / Michelle Chen