Letters From the January 11-18, 2015, Issue Letters From the January 11-18, 2015, Issue
A war by any other name… debtors’ prism… Trump in poetry and prose… reimainging restoration (web only)…
Dec 23, 2015 / Our Readers, Mike Konczal, and Eilís O’Neill

Shutting Down Planned Parenthood Would Catapult Women Into Poverty Shutting Down Planned Parenthood Would Catapult Women Into Poverty
When access to abortion and contraception is denied, low-income women suffer most.
Dec 23, 2015 / Bryce Covert

Could Unions Disrupt Uber’s Empire? Could Unions Disrupt Uber’s Empire?
Seattle’s drivers are fighting—and beating—the Uberization of their work.
Dec 23, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Media Notices Homeless People on Streets, Blames Progressive Mayor Media Notices Homeless People on Streets, Blames Progressive Mayor
How New York’s Bill de Blasio inherited a homelessness crisis—and then got blamed for it.
Dec 23, 2015 / Patrick Markee

December 23, 1913: The Federal Reserve Is Created December 23, 1913: The Federal Reserve Is Created
“The whole thing was a wonderful demonstration of what Christmas can do in the sphere of legislation.”
Dec 23, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

When the Berlin Wall Fell, Bernie Sanders Didn’t Respond Like Other Politicians When the Berlin Wall Fell, Bernie Sanders Didn’t Respond Like Other Politicians
Instead of heralding “the end of history,” Sanders called on Americans to take the revolutions of 1989 as a model.
Dec 22, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

What Can You Actually Do for Syrian Refugees? What Can You Actually Do for Syrian Refugees?
Trump wants to ban refugees fleeing ISIS and civil war. Here’s how to welcome them instead.
Dec 22, 2015 / Daniel Moattar

In 2016, the UN Will Be Transformed. Will That Be Enough to Bring It Back to Life? In 2016, the UN Will Be Transformed. Will That Be Enough to Bring It Back to Life?
A new secretary general, a powerful bloc of developing nations, greater transparency—the 70-year-old global organization has a host of opportunities coming up.
Dec 22, 2015 / Feature / Barbara Crossette

Sepp Blatter Is Suspended for Eight Years, Compares Self to Mandela Sepp Blatter Is Suspended for Eight Years, Compares Self to Mandela
FIFA’s chief has been suspended for eight years, but the drama is just beginning.
Dec 21, 2015 / Dave Zirin

‘When We Made Mistakes in Our Sewing, They Slapped Us’ ‘When We Made Mistakes in Our Sewing, They Slapped Us’
Bangladeshi garment workers are still struggling to win the safe and humane workplaces they deserve.
Dec 21, 2015 / Michelle Chen