Damage Damage
In our new Gilded Age, the worst are not only full of passionate conviction. They are also damnably clever.
May 6, 2015 / Books & the Arts / George Scialabba

Black America’s Lost Generation Speaks Up Black America’s Lost Generation Speaks Up
The teens of the Baltimore riot have never known a reality without crisis. That comes with consequences.
May 5, 2015 / Kai Wright

How to Truly Eradicate Poverty How to Truly Eradicate Poverty
We need more than just a safety net. We need a blueprint to create good jobs for all.
May 1, 2015 / Dorian T. Warren

Capitalism and Slavery Capitalism and Slavery
Each generation seems condemned to have to prove the obvious anew: slavery created the modern world, and the modern world’s divisions are the product of slavery.
May 1, 2015 / Greg Grandin

Baltimore’s Inescapable Inequality Baltimore’s Inescapable Inequality
What looks like a night of “chaos” in Baltimore was just one freeze-frame in a long arc of urban crisis.
May 1, 2015 / Michelle Chen

6 Degrees of Separation Between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton 6 Degrees of Separation Between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton
The very different candidates for the Democratic nomination have a lot to debate.
Apr 30, 2015 / John Nichols

A Bold New Campaign for Economic Justice A Bold New Campaign for Economic Justice
A coalition of national, state and local organizations in 41 states is uniting around an agenda to put families first.
Apr 30, 2015 / Deepak Bhargava

Why Put Trauma Centers Where No One Gets Shot? Why Put Trauma Centers Where No One Gets Shot?
A Nation investigation looks at the shuttering of needed trauma centers, beginning with those on Chicago’s violent South Side.
Apr 29, 2015 / Feature / Jeffrey Bishku-Aykul

The Case That Blew the Lid Off the World Bank’s Secret Courts The Case That Blew the Lid Off the World Bank’s Secret Courts
How Bolivian protesters and global activists exposed the dark side of global trade pacts and paved the way for the battles to come.
Apr 29, 2015 / Jim Shultz and Foreign Policy In Focus

Bernie Sanders Readies a ‘Which Side Are You On?’ Presidential Bid Bernie Sanders Readies a ‘Which Side Are You On?’ Presidential Bid
“America does not belong to the billionaire class,” he says, “it belongs to all of us.”
Apr 29, 2015 / John Nichols