How the Mexican Drug Trade Thrives on Free Trade How the Mexican Drug Trade Thrives on Free Trade
While President Peña Nieto celebrates the Aztec Tiger, Mexico’s cartels reach deeper into the legal economy.
Jul 15, 2014 / Christy Thornton and Adam Goodman

Against Austerity in Detroit: ‘Water Is a Human Right’ Against Austerity in Detroit: ‘Water Is a Human Right’
Citizens organize to block water shutoffs as the UN Special Rapporteur says ”when there is genuine inability to pay, human rights simply forbids disconnections.”
Jul 11, 2014 / John Nichols

A Grassroots Labor Uprising—at Your Bank? A Grassroots Labor Uprising—at Your Bank?
As a trade deal focusing on the financial sector is underway so too is a campaign to organize Wall Street’s rank-and-file.
Jul 9, 2014 / Michelle Chen

How John Maynard Keynes Can Save the Arab Spring How John Maynard Keynes Can Save the Arab Spring
With secular autocrats and rigid Islamists equally discredited in the Arab world, the space is wide open for progressive democrats to save the Arab Spring.
Jul 2, 2014 / Richard Javad Heydarian and Foreign Policy In Focus

Will the Democratic Party Deliver for Working Women? Will the Democratic Party Deliver for Working Women?
In The Curve’s second roundtable discussion, our contributors ask what legislative goals feminists can really achieve in Washington.
Jun 24, 2014 / Kathleen Geier and Curve Contributors

The Deadly Cost of Wall Street Greed The Deadly Cost of Wall Street Greed
Private equity firms are laying the foundation for the next financial crash in the rubble of the last one—and it’s already cost one child her life.
Jun 23, 2014 / Laura Gottesdiener

Americans Are Saddled With $1.2 Trillion in Student Loan Debt Americans Are Saddled With $1.2 Trillion in Student Loan Debt
Senator Elizabeth Warren has a plan to ease this crisis—and Obama just backed it.
Jun 9, 2014 / George Zornick

Despite Rightward Trend, European Voters Reject Austerity Politics Despite Rightward Trend, European Voters Reject Austerity Politics
Yes, the far right performed well in Europe’s elections. But wherever voters had a clear choice between economic democracy and right-wing xenophobia, they went left.
Jun 9, 2014 / Conn Hallinan and Foreign Policy In Focus

Temp Nation: How Corporations Are Evading Accountability, at Workers’ Expense Temp Nation: How Corporations Are Evading Accountability, at Workers’ Expense
Fixing the regulatory regime for outsourcing requires both new modes enforcement and reforms that target corporations’ systematic evasion tactics.
Jun 6, 2014 / Michelle Chen

How to Fight Economic Inequality—Right Now How to Fight Economic Inequality—Right Now
A new initiative aims to put wages at the heart of the inequality debate.
Jun 4, 2014 / Zoë Carpenter