This Week in Poverty: US Single Mothers—’The Worst Off’ This Week in Poverty: US Single Mothers—’The Worst Off’
Despite working more hours than their peers in other high-income countries, single mothers in the US have higher poverty rates.
Dec 21, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann
Glox News: ‘The Bottomless Pit of Arbitrary Accounting’ Glox News: ‘The Bottomless Pit of Arbitrary Accounting’
Will the Supreme Leader make concessions to the losing party?
Dec 20, 2012 / Tom Tomorrow

Today in Poverty: An Education Wish List Today in Poverty: An Education Wish List
Here are ten reforms that would ensure every child receives the education they deserve.
Dec 19, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann

Proposed Social Security Bargain Makes No Sense for the Elderly Proposed Social Security Bargain Makes No Sense for the Elderly
The median income of people over age 65 is less than $20,000. The solution is not to cut that further.
Dec 18, 2012 / Dean Baker

House Republicans’ Three Big Lies About the Volcker Rule House Republicans’ Three Big Lies About the Volcker Rule
It’s past time for the rule to stop banks from making making risky bets with consumers’ money. But a House committee hearing devoted itself to stalling and lying about ...
Dec 17, 2012 / Alexis Goldstein

This Week in Poverty: Kristof’s Swing and Miss This Week in Poverty: Kristof’s Swing and Miss
New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof acknowledges that he is no expert on domestic policy, and then sets out to prove it.
Dec 14, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann
Listen to the Fed: Unemployment Is the Real Problem Listen to the Fed: Unemployment Is the Real Problem
Ben Bernanke described the persistence of mass joblessness as “a waste of human and economic potential.”
Dec 13, 2012 / William Greider

Today in Poverty: GOP Leadership and Violence Against Native Women Today in Poverty: GOP Leadership and Violence Against Native Women
Conservatives in Congress continue to block the Violence Against Women Act, denying vital protections for Native American women.
Dec 12, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann

Low-Income Americans Are Facing the Real Cliff Low-Income Americans Are Facing the Real Cliff
If Congress can't reach a deal by New Year's, 2.1 million people will be kicked off unemployment benefits.
Dec 11, 2012 / Melissa Harris-Perry
The Bipartisan Adventures of Simpson and Bowles The Bipartisan Adventures of Simpson and Bowles
While the house burns, our heroes deal it out in the name of austerity!
Dec 11, 2012 / Tom Tomorrow