
This Week in Poverty: Welfare Reform—From Bad to Worse This Week in Poverty: Welfare Reform—From Bad to Worse

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse for poor people.

Mar 9, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann

Just How Out of Touch Are the Romneys? Just How Out of Touch Are the Romneys?

If Romney wins Ohio, he’ll be in a good position to win the nomination. But that doesn’t mean voters like him.

Mar 6, 2012 / Press Room

2012: Year of the Co-Op! VIDEO 2012: Year of the Co-Op! VIDEO

Around the world, a billion people belong to co-ops. The top 300 have combined sales in excess of $1 trillion. That’s according to the United Nations. That’s right, it'...

Mar 2, 2012 / Laura Flanders

This Week in Poverty: Hunger—Where We Are, Where We Need to Be

This Week in Poverty: Hunger—Where We Are, Where We Need to Be This Week in Poverty: Hunger—Where We Are, Where We Need to Be

The food stamp program is up for reauthorization and three new studies indicate what needs to be done if we want to protect and strengthen it.

Mar 2, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann

The Failure of Austerity

The Failure of Austerity The Failure of Austerity

The eurocrisis fully exposes the folly of deficit mania in a time of recession. So why are the GOP candidates still oblivious?

Feb 29, 2012 / The Editors

Greece in Meltdown

Greece in Meltdown Greece in Meltdown

In less than two years, Athens has changed from a reasonably prosperous capital to a broken city.

Feb 29, 2012 / Feature / Maria Margaronis

Why the GOP Can’t Win in Michigan Why the GOP Can’t Win in Michigan

As Santorum and Romney battle each other in Michigan, the Republicans are losing the state. 

Feb 28, 2012 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

One Mancession Later, Are Women Really Victors in the New Economy?

One Mancession Later, Are Women Really Victors in the New Economy? One Mancession Later, Are Women Really Victors in the New Economy?

Women dominate growing sectors like retail and home healthcare—but the jobs there are grueling and the wages are low.

Feb 27, 2012 / Bryce Covert

Romney’s Irresponsible Tax Plan Romney’s Irresponsible Tax Plan

Desperate to fend off Rick Santorum’s challenge from the right, Mitt released a plan to increase the deficit. 

Feb 24, 2012 / Ben Adler

This Week in Poverty: Deal on Unemployment Benefits Leaves Out Poorest This Week in Poverty: Deal on Unemployment Benefits Leaves Out Poorest

Congress extended unemployment benefits, but it’s no good for those who’ve been jobless the longest.

Feb 24, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann
