One Mancession Later, Are Women Really Victors in the New Economy? One Mancession Later, Are Women Really Victors in the New Economy?
Women dominate growing sectors like retail and home healthcare—but the jobs there are grueling and the wages are low.
Feb 27, 2012 / Bryce Covert
Romney’s Irresponsible Tax Plan Romney’s Irresponsible Tax Plan
Desperate to fend off Rick Santorum’s challenge from the right, Mitt released a plan to increase the deficit.
Feb 24, 2012 / Ben Adler
This Week in Poverty: Deal on Unemployment Benefits Leaves Out Poorest This Week in Poverty: Deal on Unemployment Benefits Leaves Out Poorest
Congress extended unemployment benefits, but it’s no good for those who’ve been jobless the longest.
Feb 24, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann
The Failure of Austerity Politics The Failure of Austerity Politics
Austerians won the day in Europe—and now the people are paying the price.
Feb 21, 2012 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
How the 1 Percent Get So Rich? (VIDEO) How the 1 Percent Get So Rich? (VIDEO)
Even in an Occupy world, most Americans don’t know exactly how the 1 percent does what it does. The money media haven’t explained it, and the 1 percent likes things t...
Feb 17, 2012 / Laura Flanders
This Week in Poverty: Obama’s Budget, Your Server’s Budget This Week in Poverty: Obama’s Budget, Your Server’s Budget
If Obama wants his actions to match his rhetoric about helping the poor, he needs to show a lot more leadership.
Feb 17, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann
How the 1 Percent Loves: The $100,000 Valentine How the 1 Percent Loves: The $100,000 Valentine
Lest any of us forget, some people have plenty of money to throw around. A $100,000 Valentine anyone?
Feb 14, 2012 / Laura Flanders
This Week in Poverty: Perfect Storm Threatens Long-Term Unemployed This Week in Poverty: Perfect Storm Threatens Long-Term Unemployed
Federal and state proposals to reduce unemployment benefits or make them harder to obtain place millions of unemployed people at risk of falling into poverty.
Feb 10, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann
Rocky Recovery for Women Rocky Recovery for Women
Although men account for 70 percent of jobs lost between December 2007 and June 2009, they have won 92 percent of the jobs created since. From “man-cession,” we’v...
Feb 8, 2012 / Laura Flanders
The Post Office Is Not Broke The Post Office Is Not Broke
The inspector general says Congressional demands have caused service to “significantly exceed” requirements for pre-funding benefits.
Feb 7, 2012 / John Nichols