Seven Republican Dwarfs Seven Republican Dwarfs
Not one of the candidates for the GOP presidential nomination who debated Monday night rose to a point of seriousness in addressing the nation’s grievous problems.
Jun 15, 2011 / Robert Scheer
Edward Glaeser: Have Cities Become America’s Ugly Stepchildren? Edward Glaeser: Have Cities Become America’s Ugly Stepchildren?
Harvard Professor Edward Glaeser argues that the country needs policies that create a "level playing field" between our deprived cities and the outlying suburban and rura...
Jun 14, 2011 / The Nation Video and On The Earth Productions
Slide Show: 16 Bold Ideas for a New Economy Slide Show: 16 Bold Ideas for a New Economy
Imagine you have the ability to reinvent American capitalism: Where would you start? What would you change to make it less destructive and domineering, more focused on what…
Jun 9, 2011 / Photo Essay / The Nation
Nation Conversations: Mark Sorkin and William Greider on Reimagining Capitalism Nation Conversations: Mark Sorkin and William Greider on Reimagining Capitalism
The political and economic system is broken. It's time we step back and rethink how we can make capitalism work for us.
Jun 9, 2011 / The Nation
Reimagining Capitalism: Bold Ideas for a New Economy Reimagining Capitalism: Bold Ideas for a New Economy
True economic recovery will require creative solutions to deeply rooted problems. Our first great task is to change the way we talk about what's possible.
Jun 8, 2011 / Feature / William Greider
The Rise of Benefit Corporations The Rise of Benefit Corporations
A growing number of states are introducing laws that permit companies to pursue social missions without fear of shareholder litigation.
Jun 8, 2011 / Feature / Jamie Raskin
To Guarantee Corporate Responsibility, Open the Boardroom Door To Guarantee Corporate Responsibility, Open the Boardroom Door
The best way to ensure corporate accountability is to save a seat on every board for an independent watchdog.
Jun 8, 2011 / Feature / William Lerach
Cut Wall Street Down to Size With a Financial Speculation Tax Cut Wall Street Down to Size With a Financial Speculation Tax
A tax on the rapid-fire trades that dominate financial markets would discourage reckless behavior and raise serious funds for public use.
Jun 8, 2011 / Feature / Sarah Anderson
The Government Nudge: A Public Role in the Private Sector The Government Nudge: A Public Role in the Private Sector
The government has the power to spur innovation and reshape the economy—but it must be willing to flex its muscle.
Jun 8, 2011 / Feature / Robert Weissman
Employee Ownership: The Road to Shared Prosperity Employee Ownership: The Road to Shared Prosperity
Employee ownership plans carve a path toward what could be called responsible capitalism.
Jun 8, 2011 / Feature / Christopher Mackin