
Some Thoughts on the IMF, Global Injustice and a Stranger on a Train Some Thoughts on the IMF, Global Injustice and a Stranger on a Train

Her name was Global South. His name was Washington Consensus. But his winning streak was running out and her star was rising.

May 23, 2011 / Rebecca Solnit

The Breakdown: Are Political Advocacy Donors Evading Taxes?

The Breakdown: Are Political Advocacy Donors Evading Taxes? The Breakdown: Are Political Advocacy Donors Evading Taxes?

The IRS is investigating whether five wealthy donors financing political advocacy groups should be paying additional taxes on their contributions. What is this tax, and why hasn't ...

May 19, 2011 / Chris Hayes

Solving the Euro Crisis

Solving the Euro Crisis Solving the Euro Crisis

The bottom line on bailouts for Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland must be help, not punishment.

May 19, 2011 / Mark Weisbrot

Former Top Obama Economist: ‘National Debate Over Economic Policy is Way Off Track’ Former Top Obama Economist: ‘National Debate Over Economic Policy is Way Off Track’

Jared Bernstein, once the sole progressive economist on President Obama's economic team, launches a blog to critique the country's "terribly narrow economic debate."

May 17, 2011 / Ari Berman

A Fair Tax on Millionaires A Fair Tax on Millionaires

Why should those worth hundreds of millions pay tax at the same rate as those who are middle class?

May 11, 2011 / Feature / Mark Engler

No Free Ride for Finance No Free Ride for Finance

A financial activities tax (FAT) would encourage long-term investing and help plug budget deficits. Can states rally to pass them?

May 11, 2011 / Feature / Dean Baker

‘The Worst I’ve Seen by Far’: Budget Cuts Meet Poverty in the Heartland

‘The Worst I’ve Seen by Far’: Budget Cuts Meet Poverty in the Heartland ‘The Worst I’ve Seen by Far’: Budget Cuts Meet Poverty in the Heartland

In Appalachian Ohio, long lines at food pantries show just how wrongheaded a plan for economic recovery based on cutting assistance to the poor really is.

May 9, 2011 / Greg Kaufmann

How Town Hall Protests Against Paul Ryan’s Plan Changed the Medicare Debate How Town Hall Protests Against Paul Ryan’s Plan Changed the Medicare Debate

Budget committee chair can say what he wants, but the noisy protests against his plan -- especially in his home district -- have shaken congressional Republicans,

May 7, 2011 / John Nichols

The GOP Jobs Plan That Wasn’t

The GOP Jobs Plan That Wasn’t The GOP Jobs Plan That Wasn’t

Finally, Republicans in Congress have announced a jobs plan. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to actually create any jobs.

May 5, 2011 / George Zornick

The Age of Deleveraging The Age of Deleveraging

If Obama continues to refuse to intervene in the economy, Americans are in for a painful decade.

Apr 27, 2011 / William Greider
