Could the Greek Economic Crisis Affect the US Economy? Could the Greek Economic Crisis Affect the US Economy?
Economic unrest in Greece has the potential to quickly spread through the entire European Union—and back to the US where the crisis originated on Wall Street.
Jun 28, 2011 / WGBH
Chris Hayes: Are Republicans Deliberately Tanking the Economy? Chris Hayes: Are Republicans Deliberately Tanking the Economy?
The GOP has disowned some of their favorite ideas—pay as you go budgets, cap and trade, raising the debt ceiling—once President Obama has endorsed them.
Jun 28, 2011 / The Rachel Maddow Show
Debtocracy: The Story of Greece’s Financial Ruin Debtocracy: The Story of Greece’s Financial Ruin
Debtocracy strikes an ironic chord of dissonance between Greece's glorious past and perilous present.
Jun 28, 2011 / The Nation Video
Bernie Sanders to Obama and the Democrats: Stand Up to the Economic and Political ‘Schoolyard Bullies’ Bernie Sanders to Obama and the Democrats: Stand Up to the Economic and Political ‘Schoolyard Bullies’
Vermont Senator rallies citizens to defend Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.
Jun 27, 2011 / John Nichols
Bernie Sanders Tells Obama, ‘We Will Not Balance the Budget on the Backs of Working Families’ Bernie Sanders Tells Obama, ‘We Will Not Balance the Budget on the Backs of Working Families’
Read the full text of Senator Bernie Sanders's statement to Congress on the balancing the budget.
Jun 27, 2011 / Sen. Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders to Obama: ‘Do Not Yield to Outrageous Republican Demands’ on Taxes, Cuts, Deficit Policy Bernie Sanders to Obama: ‘Do Not Yield to Outrageous Republican Demands’ on Taxes, Cuts, Deficit Policy
Vermont's independent senator urges the president to reject GOP demands that the budget be balanced on the backs of working Americans.
Jun 27, 2011 / John Nichols
Nurses March on Wall Street for Fair Taxes Nurses March on Wall Street for Fair Taxes
On June 22, several hundred nurses and progressive activists marched on Wall Street in New York demanding a new tax on financial transactions.
Jun 24, 2011 / The Nation

Nation Conversations: Betsy Reed and Dan Coughlin on WikiLeaks Haiti Nation Conversations: Betsy Reed and Dan Coughlin on WikiLeaks Haiti
The explosive diplomatic cables prove what many Haitians already knew about US and UN meddling in the country.
Jun 24, 2011 / The Nation
Bill Clinton’s Legacy of Denial Bill Clinton’s Legacy of Denial
Does Bill Clinton still not grasp that the current economic crisis is in large measure his legacy?
Jun 22, 2011 / Robert Scheer
Instead of Dancing With the Austerity Devil, Keith Ellison Wants Democrats to Campaign for Jobs Instead of Dancing With the Austerity Devil, Keith Ellison Wants Democrats to Campaign for Jobs
While his colleague Michele Bachmann mounts a vanity campaign for president, Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison is mounting a serious campaign for American jobs.
Jun 18, 2011 / John Nichols