Microcredit, Macro Issues Microcredit, Macro Issues
The Swedish Academy bestowed this year's Nobel Peace Prize to Muhammad Yunus, the father of microcredit. It's easy to believe Yunus's low-interest loans to the poor are a silver b...
Oct 15, 2006 / Walden Bello
The Economic Debate: Fear vs. Corruption The Economic Debate: Fear vs. Corruption
As election day approaches, don't expect a reasoned discussion of economic policy between the two parties. A barrage of quips and one-liners have taken the place of detail and fact...
Oct 5, 2006 / Feature / Robert L. Borosage
Snapshot of a Plutocracy Snapshot of a Plutocracy
Every person on this year's Forbes 400 list of America's richest people is a billionaire, who collectively possess about $1.25 trillion. Imagine how many Congressmen that will buy.
Sep 26, 2006 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman
China’s Neoliberal Dynasty China’s Neoliberal Dynasty
As China's economy surges forward, so does the pileup of social contradictions: pollution, migration, crime and family dysfunction.
Sep 14, 2006 / Feature / Peter Kwong
Undone by Neoliberalism Undone by Neoliberalism
Before the storm, neoliberalism shaped the social and economic inequities of New Orleans; after Hurricane Katrina, it worsened them by making government the tool of corporations an...
Aug 31, 2006 / Feature / Adolph Reed Jr.
Pay To Be Saved Pay To Be Saved
Unless something changes soon, New Orleans will prove to be a glimpse of a dystopic future, a future of disaster apartheid in which the wealthy are saved and everyone else is left ...
Aug 29, 2006 / Feature / Naomi Klein
The Global Village The Global Village
What does it mean to be from a place? In Monica Ali's new novel, Alentejo Blue, the collision of locals, expatriates and tourists shatters any simple answers to the question.
Jul 27, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Nell Freudenberger
A Conversation With Robert Rubin A Conversation With Robert Rubin
The former Treasury Secretary speaks candidly on the inherent inequities of globalization and the political, social and economic challenges that lie ahead.
Jul 14, 2006 / Feature / William Greider
Born-Again Rubinomics Born-Again Rubinomics
Is Former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin's new "conceptual framework" of economic reform an acknowledgment of neoliberalism's failures or simply a repackaged version of Clintono...
Jul 13, 2006 / Feature / William Greider
History Lesson History Lesson
Back in Washington's day, Congress printed money to fight the Revolutionary War without collecting taxes to back it up--and paid the price in inflation: History repeats itself toda...
Jun 27, 2006 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman