
A Fight We Can Win A Fight We Can Win

The results of the last election of 2004 could foretell the first serious defeat for the Bush Administration's agenda in the new Congress.

Jan 13, 2005 / Feature / John Nichols

Trading Down Trading Down

In less than five years, the garment industry in poor, war-ravaged Cambodia has more than doubled into a $1.5 billion industry employing 200,000 workers and generating nearly thr...

Dec 22, 2004 / David Moberg

False Promises False Promises

In American Dream, his masterful new book about welfare reform, Jason DeParle brings together two groups of people who rarely seem to meet: welfare policy-makers and welfare reci...

Dec 2, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Jennifer Egan

Defunct Economists Defunct Economists

Professor Paul Samuelson's Economics: An Introductory Analysis has been the bestselling college economics textbook for more than fifty years.

Dec 2, 2004 / William Greider

Straight Down the Middle Straight Down the Middle

Not being "middle class," the poor have been invisible in this campaign.

Oct 21, 2004 / Feature / Eyal Press

Office Politics Office Politics

As one of those pathetic evolutionary throwbacks who has never used e-mail or the Internet, and has hardly ever handled a mobile phone, I can approach this book with all the supr...

Oct 7, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Terry Eagleton

Kerry’s Trade Winds Kerry’s Trade Winds

Senator John Kerry has promised a revision of Clinton-era trade policies to insure that future agreements contain stronger, enforceable labor and environmental standards.

Sep 30, 2004 / Tom Hayden and Lori Wallach

True Conservatives Would Back Kerry True Conservatives Would Back Kerry

If they were true to their principles, moderate Republicans and consistent conservatives would be supporting John Kerry. Instead, their acquiescence to the reckless whims of Geor...

Sep 21, 2004 / Column / Robert Scheer

Rust & Rage in the Heartland Rust & Rage in the Heartland

Three years after 9/11.

Sep 2, 2004 / Feature / Dale Maharidge

Poverty in the Suburbs Poverty in the Suburbs

Hidden in a Census Bureau report on poverty released in late August is a factoid with significant political and social consequences. Poverty has moved to the suburbs.

Sep 2, 2004 / Peter Dreier
