
Unions Can’t Compete With Corporate Campaign Cash Unions Can’t Compete With Corporate Campaign Cash

Some union leaders think that the Supreme Court ruling in the case of Citizens United v. FEC -- which essentially takes the limits off campaign spending -- will give them the same ...

Jan 24, 2010 / John Nichols

Geithner Must Go–and the Future of the Fed Geithner Must Go–and the Future of the Fed

The first casualty of the president's political debacle will likely be Timothy Geithner, the severely over-confident treasury secretary well-known as a lapdog of Wall Street.

Jan 24, 2010 / William Greider

Nation Pushes IMF to Cancel Haiti’s debt Nation Pushes IMF to Cancel Haiti’s debt

Amid mounting public pressure and calls for restructuring from The Nation, the IMF turns its $100 million loan to Haiti into a grant.

Jan 22, 2010 / The Rachel Maddow Show

Teddy Roosevelt Was Right: Ban ALL Corporate Contributions Teddy Roosevelt Was Right: Ban ALL Corporate Contributions

What to do about the decision by U.S. Supreme Court to -- in the words of Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold -- "(ignore) important principles of judicial restraint and respect f...

Jan 21, 2010 / John Nichols

US Mercenaries Set Sights on Haiti US Mercenaries Set Sights on Haiti

Private firms are jumping at the opportunity to provide 'humanitarian assistance' to Haiti, but what these companies are actually bringing is a 'Shock Doctrine' approach that aims ...

Jan 19, 2010 / Feature / Jeremy Scahill

Dr. Martin Luther King’s Economics: Through Jobs, Freedom Dr. Martin Luther King’s Economics: Through Jobs, Freedom

How would Dr. King have responded to the current crises of recession, unemployment, and foreclosure?

Jan 15, 2010 / Feature / Mark Engler

Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Turns Up the Heat Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Turns Up the Heat

On the FCIC's second day of hearings, witnesses examined how Wall Street incentivized and why the Federal Reserve didn't stop subprime lending.

Jan 15, 2010 / Feature / Greg Kaufmann

Too Big to Fail, Not Too Big for Jail Too Big to Fail, Not Too Big for Jail

The federal inquiry hearings inevitably leads to the question: why aren't any these big players already in jail? And no, Bernie Madoff doesn't count.

Jan 14, 2010 / Feature / Mary Bottari

Financial Crisis Inquiry Kicks Off Financial Crisis Inquiry Kicks Off

Day 1 of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission didn't find any good answers to the causes of the financial crisis--but don't give up on the commission yet.

Jan 14, 2010 / Greg Kaufmann

Government Regulation’s Value Government Regulation’s Value

Katrina vanden Heuvel wonders if we can radically rethink our economic system.

Jan 13, 2010 / GRITtv
