
Class Warfare Class Warfare

My son collects my change--the random coins that come from little daily transactions, the pennies, nickels and dimes that build up in my pockets.

Jan 30, 2003 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

A Republican Discusses Taxes A Republican Discusses Taxes

Because they pay too much in taxes-- To feed the poor and fight the axis-- The rich are truly discommoded. It spoils the fun of being loaded.

Jan 16, 2003 / Column / Calvin Trillin

The Rise of the Fortress Continent The Rise of the Fortress Continent

Well, it could have been true.

Jan 16, 2003 / Column / Naomi Klein

Long Live the Estate Tax! Long Live the Estate Tax!

There is a stunning disconnect between the terrible budget shortfalls facing states and localities and the priorities of federal tax-cutters. States face budget deficits of mor...

Jan 9, 2003 / Bill Gates Sr. and Chuck Collins

Tax the Plutocrats! Tax the Plutocrats!

Money is needed for social programs. And the rich have more than their share.

Jan 9, 2003 / Feature / Gar Alperovitz

The Bush Tax Sham The Bush Tax Sham

On January 7 George W.

Jan 9, 2003 / Roger Hickey

A New New Deal? A New New Deal?

The same week that New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg announced his plans to close eight city firehouses, Mike Wallace, John Jay College professor and bard of New York, held a ...

Dec 12, 2002 / Kim Phillips-Fein

Going Down the Road Going Down the Road

On election morning, I opened the front section of the New York Times and immediately got a bad feeling. Positioned prominently on page A3 was an eye-catching and ominous ad.

Dec 5, 2002 / Jim Hightower

Rawls and Us Rawls and Us

The late John Rawls was, by all accounts, a remarkably modest and generous person, much beloved by his friends and students, and profoundly uninterested in the kinds of fame an...

Dec 5, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Eric Alterman

Fixing the Rotten Corporate Barrel Fixing the Rotten Corporate Barrel

States grant corporate charters; they should start taking some of them away.

Dec 5, 2002 / Feature / John Cavanagh and Jerry Mander
