
Addressing Inequity in Education Addressing Inequity in Education

This essay, the high school winner of The Nation's Student Writing Contest, argues that until inequities in education are eliminated, a permanent underclass will continue to exist.

Dec 15, 2008 / Feature / Laine Alison Zalac

Learning About Labor Learning About Labor

This essay, a finalist in The Nation's Student Writing Contest, argues that the new president should restore workers' rights ASAP.

Dec 15, 2008 / Feature / Hugh Baran

Eviction Day: Foreclosure Crisis Forces Man From Home Eviction Day: Foreclosure Crisis Forces Man From Home

A glimpse at an increasingly common, but rarely documented, tragedy: someone being evicted from their home because of foreclosure.

Dec 12, 2008 / American News Project

Detroit’s Auto-da-Fé Detroit’s Auto-da-Fé

In the auto industry's latest trial by fire, Senate Republicans lit the match--and what's left of the economy could go down in flames.

Dec 12, 2008 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman

How Hedge Funds and Private Equity Hurt Us How Hedge Funds and Private Equity Hurt Us

College endowments and workers bear the brunt of hedge fund managers' gambles and private equity takeovers.

Dec 11, 2008 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman

Sit-Down in Chicago Sit-Down in Chicago

The plight of striking electrical workers underscores the flaws in Paulson's bailout--and tests Obama's mettle.

Dec 11, 2008 / John Nichols

American Dreams American Dreams

If the American Dream is a form of worship, we need new totems to fit new and troubled times.

Dec 11, 2008 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Stimulus From Below Stimulus From Below

If the economy continues to deteriorate, the poor won't just always be with us--they'll be us.

Dec 11, 2008 / The Editors

Socialism Is No Longer a Dirty Word Socialism Is No Longer a Dirty Word

The case for public ownership.

Dec 10, 2008 / Feature / André Schiffrin

Chicago Striker Speaks Out Chicago Striker Speaks Out

A labor organizer from Chicago sheds light on the ongoing protest for wages owed to Republic Windows and Doors workers.

Dec 10, 2008 / GRITtv
