
Paulson’s Swindle Revealed Paulson’s Swindle Revealed

United Steelworkers Union prez Leo Gerard cracks open the sweetheart deal that bailed out nine banks--and likely lined the Treasury Secretary's own pockets--with billions of taxpay...

Oct 29, 2008 / Feature / William Greider

Naomi Klein Breaks Down the Bailout Naomi Klein Breaks Down the Bailout

Nation columnist Naomi Klein speaks at a Nation/Brecht Forum event about the financial crisis.

Oct 24, 2008 / The Nation Video

Merrittocracy Merrittocracy

Merritt Paulson, son of Henry Paulson, asks the city of Portland to fund his new sports stadiums even though he can afford it.

Oct 22, 2008 / Column / Dave Zirin

The Battle for Obama’s Economic Soul The Battle for Obama’s Economic Soul

Let's hope he listens to Paul Volker and Warren Buffet--and keeps at bay Rubin, Summers and others responsible for the current debacle.

Oct 22, 2008 / Column / Robert Scheer

Report From the Socialist International Conspiracy Report From the Socialist International Conspiracy

Our operatives on Wall Street were doing a good job bringing down capitalism one hedge fund at a time. But then Goldman Sachs staged a counter-coup.

Oct 21, 2008 / Barbara Ehrenreich

Wall Street Meltdown 101 Wall Street Meltdown 101

Naomi Klein, William Greider, Frances Fox Piven and others explain the financial crisis in a recent emergency town hall meeting in New York City.

Oct 21, 2008 / Nation Audio

Scenes From the Crackup Scenes From the Crackup

Behind the scrim of boom times there was always debt and sex--and the intimate economy of panic and desire.

Oct 16, 2008 / JoAnn Wypijewski

Dr. Paulson’s Magic Potion Dr. Paulson’s Magic Potion

As Bush and Paulson throw money at the problem, Obama is moving rapidly to adapt to the crisis that awaits the next president.

Oct 16, 2008 / William Greider

Left and Right Left and Right

If nationalizing banks is suddenly on the table, what else might be placed there?

Oct 16, 2008 / The Editors

Predatory Scapegoating Predatory Scapegoating

The real scandal of the year is that Eliot Spitzer, brought low by his own bad behavior, had predatory lenders in his sights.

Oct 16, 2008 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
