
Spend the Bailout Money on the Middle Class Spend the Bailout Money on the Middle Class

Take a tip from the New Deal: invest that $700 billion in jobs and mortgage aid for those who need it most.

Oct 8, 2008 / Howard Zinn

Invest in the Real Economy Invest in the Real Economy

Government can soften the recession's impact by spending money--lots of it--to stimulate the real economy.

Oct 8, 2008 / The Editors

Bailout Signals the Election Is Over Bailout Signals the Election Is Over

By approving the bailout, Congress sealed our political fate more firmly than any presidential election.

Oct 8, 2008 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

Toxic Loans, Tainted Food Toxic Loans, Tainted Food

As financial markets reel from the US financial crisis and tainted Chinese dairy products are sold around the world, we're learning hard lessons on the limits of globalization.

Oct 7, 2008 / Feature / David E. Gumpert

The Dow’s Decline and Fall The Dow’s Decline and Fall

The Dow falls below 10,000. As deflation destroys wealth and unemployment rises, America braces for tough times ahead.

Oct 6, 2008 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman

Naomi Klein Explains Disaster Capitalism to Stephen Colbert Naomi Klein Explains Disaster Capitalism to Stephen Colbert

Naomi Klein says the government exploits crises to pass pro-business agendas...How can she say that? We're in the middle of a crisis!

Oct 3, 2008 / The Colbert Report

AFL-CIO’s Richard Trumka Fights Racism Against Obama AFL-CIO’s Richard Trumka Fights Racism Against Obama

Secretary Treasurer of the AFL-CIO: 'All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.'

Oct 3, 2008 / YouTube

Break Wall Street’s Money Monopoly Break Wall Street’s Money Monopoly

As the next Congress creates a new regulatory structure for our crippled financial system, job one is breaking Wall Street's grip on capital and credit.

Oct 2, 2008 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman

Net Backlash Hinders Bailout Net Backlash Hinders Bailout

With a surge of angry e-mail that sent Congressional servers into meltdown, taxpayers stormed their way into the bailout debate.

Oct 2, 2008 / Feature / Ari Melber

Obama’s Bailout Strategy Obama’s Bailout Strategy

Framing the financial crisis as a verdict on free-market fantasies, Obama can win with a mandate to end the war and build a better economy from the bottom up.

Oct 2, 2008 / Tom Hayden
