
Harry Magdoff Harry Magdoff

The late socialist economist Harry Magdoff read Marx at fifteen and never looked back. A self-educated co-editor of the Monthly Review, he not only fought for a just and humane wor...

Jan 5, 2006 / Books & the Arts / The Nation

Hunger Is Not a Place Hunger Is Not a Place

It's not true that only the rich can help the poor. We must work to empower nations like Bangladesh that are addressing the problem of hunger by creating networks of schools, healt...

Jan 5, 2006 / Frances Moore Lappé

New York’s Real Transit Crisis New York’s Real Transit Crisis

New York City's first transit strike in a quarter-century resulted in an agreement that both the union leadership and the MTA insist is the greatest contract ever--but that the uni...

Dec 30, 2005 / Feature / Robert Fitch

A Fight for the Future A Fight for the Future

New York City transit workers, now back on the job after a two-day strike, are fighting for the rights of future workers and against the lie that abstract, neutral economic necessi...

Dec 22, 2005 / Feature / Joshua Freeman

Bolivia’s Home-Grown President Bolivia’s Home-Grown President

The election of former coca farmer Evo Morales as Bolivia's first indigenous president appears to be an enormous victory for the left, as yet another Latin American nation turns aw...

Dec 21, 2005 / Feature / Daphne Eviatar

Bitter Winter at NYU Bitter Winter at NYU

Striking graduate teaching assistants and NYU administrators are hunkered down for a protracted fight, as President John Sexton has threatened strikers with loss of their teaching ...

Dec 21, 2005 / Scott Sherman

Out of Place Out of Place

Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits, portraits of the Moroccan immigrants in Spain, gracefully evokes the unease of immigrants caught adrift between the stagnation of their old homes...

Dec 20, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Emily Lodish

Conrad Black’s Fall Conrad Black’s Fall

Reading Patrick Fitzgerald's sixty-page indictment of publishing magnate Conrad Black and his associates, one gets the feeling that the next stop for this high-living power-broker ...

Dec 15, 2005 / Scott Sherman

Human Rights at Work Human Rights at Work

Labor issues involve not only economic rights, but also human rights, in the US, but especially in nations around the world where the right of free speech and assembly is not a giv...

Dec 8, 2005 / David Moberg

Beyond Braceros Beyond Braceros

In a misguided GOP reform effort, Congress is ready to pass measures that would militarize border controls, violate workers' rights and give corporations a new bracero program. Imm...

Dec 8, 2005 / David Bacon
