Bush’s Tax Savings: Unreal! Bush’s Tax Savings: Unreal!
A Nation analysis finds that benefits to Bush, Cheney and the Cabinet could top million.
Jun 7, 2001 / Feature / Michael Scherer
White House Tax Windfall White House Tax Windfall
How much does the White House stand to save from Bush's tax cut?
Jun 7, 2001 / Feature / The Nation
Taking (Back) the Initiative Taking (Back) the Initiative
An activist think tank is fighting the right at the ballot box--and winning.
May 31, 2001 / Feature / David Sarasohn
Russia–Scamming the System Russia–Scamming the System
Thefts from other countries pale in relation to the looting of Russia, with the indispensable assistance of the "Offshornaya Zona." The 1995 "loans for shares" scheme transferred ...
May 31, 2001 / Feature / Lucy Komisar
Writers Wilt, SAG Sags Writers Wilt, SAG Sags
For the first few months of this year, it looked like Hollywood's unionized writers and actors were about to premiere a new labor strategy. As their conglomerate employers raked i...
May 25, 2001 / Marc Cooper
Prole Like Me Prole Like Me
About every thirty years for the last one hundred, a crusading journalist somewhere has gotten the same idea: Abandon the middle-class literary life (for a brief period), get a re...
May 25, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Steve Early
Tax Cut Madness Tax Cut Madness
If all goes as the GOP has planned, George W. Bush will have on his desk by Memorial Day a $1.35 trillion tax bill that is wrongheaded and an utterly inequitable pander to the pri...
May 17, 2001 / The Editors
Dioxin: Studied to Death Dioxin: Studied to Death
Industry has been doing all it can to keep an EPA report from being published.
May 10, 2001 / Feature / Mark Hertsgaard
Is GE Mightier Than the Hudson? Is GE Mightier Than the Hudson?
Unwilling to pay for a PCB cleanup, it argues that nature can do the job.
May 10, 2001 / Feature / Richard Pollak
Beyond NAFTA: A Forum Beyond NAFTA: A Forum
Toward a North American economic community.
May 10, 2001 / Feature / Angelo Falcón, Walter Russell Mead, and Jeff Faux