Why Public College Should Be Free Why Public College Should Be Free
Private institutions should be forced to compete with free, high-quality public ones.
Dec 19, 2019 / Bryce Covert

The 2010s Radicalized Video Games—and the People Who Make Them The 2010s Radicalized Video Games—and the People Who Make Them
As an increasing number of games began to critique 21st century capitalism, their designers in the US battled for unionization.
Dec 19, 2019 / Lewis Gordon

This Is Why the World Is Facing Climate Catastrophe This Is Why the World Is Facing Climate Catastrophe
At the COP 25 summit in Madrid, the powerful countries stalled and squabbled while activists marched and pleaded for serious climate action.
Dec 17, 2019 / Ben Ehrenreich

Take Action Now: Protect Workers’ Rights Take Action Now: Protect Workers’ Rights
Demand paid family leave, fight for graduate workers rights to organize, and support worker power across sectors.
Dec 17, 2019 / NationAction

Letters From the December 30, 2019/January 6, 2020 Issue Letters From the December 30, 2019/January 6, 2020 Issue
Debating Biden… Andrew Yang’s fuzzy math…
Dec 17, 2019 / Our Readers

How Our Defense Budget Became So Bloated How Our Defense Budget Became So Bloated
Defense spending is higher now than it was during the Korean or Vietnam conflicts and may soon be twice the Cold War average.
Dec 17, 2019 / William D. Hartung

France’s Pension Battle Heats Up France’s Pension Battle Heats Up
France’s largest union confederation has finally thrown its support to the latest round of strikes. Union president Laurent Berger explains why.
Dec 17, 2019 / Cole Stangler

As Cities Dole Out Billions to Developers, Teachers Ask: What About Us? As Cities Dole Out Billions to Developers, Teachers Ask: What About Us?
Educators in Chicago and elsewhere are rallying against economic development programs they say benefit corporations at the expense of schools.
Dec 13, 2019 / Sophie Kasakove

The Family That Grifts Together The Family That Grifts Together
While the Trumps are being fined for skimming off their own foundation, the administration’s getting closer to deporting low-income immigrants.
Dec 13, 2019 / Sasha Abramsky

Why Is the Media So Obsessed With Michael Bloomberg? Why Is the Media So Obsessed With Michael Bloomberg?
The 77-year-old billionaire was a terrible mayor of New York City who only exacerbated inequality.
Dec 13, 2019 / Column / Eric Alterman