The Furor Over Medicare for All Ignores a Key Question The Furor Over Medicare for All Ignores a Key Question
Do we have the courage to make health care a right, not a privilege?
Nov 19, 2019 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

A Deadly Game of Chicken in Iraq and Lebanon A Deadly Game of Chicken in Iraq and Lebanon
Popular revolts in the Middle East are pitting people against regimes.
Nov 19, 2019 / Thanassis Cambanis

We Asked the 2020 Contenders How They Plan to Tackle Inequality We Asked the 2020 Contenders How They Plan to Tackle Inequality
A surging egalitarian current is shifting the Democratic Party’s policy mainstream—so we asked the presidential candidates about it.
Nov 19, 2019 / Feature / Sam Pizzigati

Can ‘Climate Sanctions’ Save the Planet? Can ‘Climate Sanctions’ Save the Planet?
Economic pressure can be a force for environmental good—if it targets companies, not countries.
Nov 18, 2019 / Nicholas Mulder

Yang Doesn’t Add Up Yang Doesn’t Add Up
The presidential candidate is great at identifying problems, but his policy proposals need a lot of work.
Nov 18, 2019 / John Nichols

The Chicago Teachers Strike Was a Lesson in 21st-Century Organizing The Chicago Teachers Strike Was a Lesson in 21st-Century Organizing
Despite the Janus decision and years of labor losses, the Chicago Teachers Union has figured out how to organize—and win.
Nov 16, 2019 / Sarah Jaffe

My Friend’s Husband Joined the Racist Brexit Party. Help! My Friend’s Husband Joined the Racist Brexit Party. Help!
Another reader asks why they got fired after they’d already quit.
Nov 15, 2019 / Liza Featherstone

Bernie and AOC’s Green New Deal for Public Housing Act Would Transform America Bernie and AOC’s Green New Deal for Public Housing Act Would Transform America
The proposed legislation would cut 5.6 million tons of carbon emissions and create 240,000 jobs.
Nov 14, 2019 / Daniel Aldana Cohen and Julian Brave NoiseCat

Why Democrats Need to Stop Worrying and Love the Deficit Why Democrats Need to Stop Worrying and Love the Deficit
Delivering on big progressive ideas like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal will never happen until Democrats get over their fear of red ink.
Nov 14, 2019 / Marshall Auerback