The Amount of Money Being Made Ripping Migrant Families Apart Is Staggering The Amount of Money Being Made Ripping Migrant Families Apart Is Staggering
Immigration enforcement agencies’ budgets topped a whopping $23.7 billion in 2018—and a lot of that is being funneled back into the private sector.
Oct 28, 2019 / John Washington

Why Raising the Subway Fare Sparked Chile’s Biggest Crisis in Decades Why Raising the Subway Fare Sparked Chile’s Biggest Crisis in Decades
Across the country, Chileans are rising up against inequality.
Oct 25, 2019 / Francisca Skoknic

Coffee Prices Have Collapsed, Threatening the Livelihood of Millions Across the Global South Coffee Prices Have Collapsed, Threatening the Livelihood of Millions Across the Global South
Why aren’t big importers like Starbucks doing something to help the small farmers and workers who are the backbone of their multibillion-dollar businesses?
Oct 25, 2019 / James North

Our Town Is Broke. Should We Accept Investment From a Homophobe and a Tea Partier? Our Town Is Broke. Should We Accept Investment From a Homophobe and a Tea Partier?
Another reader asks what they should do if a school integration plan causes “logistical mayhem” for their family.
Oct 25, 2019 / Liza Featherstone

Haiti Is in the Streets Haiti Is in the Streets
Exploited by corporate predators, squeezed by the IMF, patronized by international elites, and bled dry by a corrupt government, Haitians refuse to stop rising up.
Oct 24, 2019 / Amy Wilentz

Workers Are Not Your Props Workers Are Not Your Props
The Democratic presidential field lined up to get their pictures taken with striking GM workers. But what workers really need from the Democratic Party is power, not photo ops.
Oct 23, 2019 / Jane McAlevey

The Chicago Teachers Strike Proves We Can’t Rely on Democrats The Chicago Teachers Strike Proves We Can’t Rely on Democrats
Anyone interested in the future of public education and the Democratic Party should pay close attention to the school strike in Chicago.
Oct 21, 2019 / Eric Blanc

On the Picket Line With Chicago’s Teachers On the Picket Line With Chicago’s Teachers
The teachers, now on the second day of their strike, are fighting for the schools Chicago students deserve.
Oct 18, 2019 / Alan Maass

Elijah Cummings Took On the Powerful Elijah Cummings Took On the Powerful
The civil rights movement veteran, who was a stalwart champion of unions, challenged abusive presidents, and called out Scott Walker for lying to Congress, died Thursday at 68.
Oct 17, 2019 / John Nichols

Amazon Is Spending Big to Oust Seattle’s Socialist Council Member Amazon Is Spending Big to Oust Seattle’s Socialist Council Member
The tech giant has poured an unprecedented $1.45 million to influence Seattle’s City Council races. Can Kshama Sawant keep her seat?
Oct 17, 2019 / Hallie Golden