Can New York Create Affordable Housing That’s Also Environmentally Sustainable? Can New York Create Affordable Housing That’s Also Environmentally Sustainable?
The de Blasio administration unveils an ambitious plan: reduce emissions and inequality at the same time.
Sep 24, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Yes, Tipping Sucks. But You Still Have to Do It. Yes, Tipping Sucks. But You Still Have to Do It.
Marriott made $626 million last year—but that doesn’t mean that if you don’t tip your hotel housekeeper, she’ll see any more of those profits.
Sep 24, 2014 / Bryce Covert

The Resource Privilege The Resource Privilege
How law firms and lobbyists protect and whitewash petroleum dictatorships.
Sep 23, 2014 / Books & the Arts / James North

How the Koch Network Exploited the Veterans Affairs Crisis How the Koch Network Exploited the Veterans Affairs Crisis
From the beginning, the Koch brothers were exploiting troubles at VA hospitals to weaken Obamacare and attack Democrats.
Sep 23, 2014 / George Zornick

Aging Jazz Artists Sound Note of Protest Aging Jazz Artists Sound Note of Protest
After decades of entertaining the city, most jazz artists remain pension-less—but Justice for Jazz Artists wants to change that.
Sep 22, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Their Brand Is Crisis: For Austerity Hawks, Good News Must Still Be Bad News Their Brand Is Crisis: For Austerity Hawks, Good News Must Still Be Bad News
Eric on this week's concerts and Reed on how austerity hawks are in perpetual debt crisis mode, despite all evidence to the contrary.
Sep 22, 2014 / Eric Alterman and Reed Richardson

Why Aren’t the Health Workers Fighting West Africa’s Ebola Epidemic Being Given Basic Protective Gear? Why Aren’t the Health Workers Fighting West Africa’s Ebola Epidemic Being Given Basic Protective Gear?
The failure to protect workers is worsening an already dire public health crisis.
Sep 19, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Scotland’s Referendum on Austerity Scotland’s Referendum on Austerity
A remarkable democratic debate over independence has forced an admission that austerity is a vital, perhaps definitive, issue.
Sep 17, 2014 / John Nichols

Climate Change Is a People’s Shock Climate Change Is a People’s Shock
What if, instead of accepting a future of climate catastrophe and private profits, we decide to change everything?
Sep 16, 2014 / Naomi Klein

Kingdom of Slaves in the Persian Gulf Kingdom of Slaves in the Persian Gulf
In the smallest Gulf states, nearly 90 percent of residents are immigrant laborers. Many face unspeakable abuse.
Sep 16, 2014 / Sam Badger, Giorgio Cafiero, and Foreign Policy In Focus