To Leave Their Abusers, Domestic Violence Survivors Need Economic Security To Leave Their Abusers, Domestic Violence Survivors Need Economic Security
VAWA has sparked real progress—but we can do more to ensure that survivors have stable jobs and housing.
Sep 12, 2014 / Bryce Covert

Ethiopian Activists Fight US-Backed Land Seizures Ethiopian Activists Fight US-Backed Land Seizures
Backed by US development aid, the Ethiopian government is seizing land, demolishing homes and cracking down on activists in a bid to expand its capital city.
Sep 12, 2014 / Hilary Matfess and Foreign Policy In Focus

Why Are Employers Checking Job Applicants’ Credit Histories? Why Are Employers Checking Job Applicants’ Credit Histories?
There’s no evidence that credit reports reveal an applicant’s competence but plenty of evidence that shows they invade privacy and institutionalize discrimination.
Sep 12, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Why Hong Kong’s ‘Occupy Central’ Movement Has Beijing Very, Very Scared Why Hong Kong’s ‘Occupy Central’ Movement Has Beijing Very, Very Scared
Hong Kong is one of the most unequal developed economies in the world. Now the mainland government wants to keep a tight grip on the territory’s political system too.
Sep 12, 2014 / Eli Friedman

What Hong Kong’s Occupy Movement Can Learn From History What Hong Kong’s Occupy Movement Can Learn From History
Hong Kong’s democracy movement stands at a crossroads.
Sep 12, 2014 / Jeffrey Wasserstrom and Denise Y. Ho

How the Koch Brothers and Other Family Capitalists Are Ruining America How the Koch Brothers and Other Family Capitalists Are Ruining America
Why are multibillionaires dictating how America teaches its youth, provides healthcare and collects taxes?
Sep 11, 2014 / Steve Fraser

With the Wages That Have Been Stolen From Them, Apple Factory Workers Could Buy 1,460 iPhone 6s a Month With the Wages That Have Been Stolen From Them, Apple Factory Workers Could Buy 1,460 iPhone 6s a Month
While the tech world fawns over the new iPhone 6, labor abuses abound at an Apple factory in China.
Sep 10, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Excited About the New iPhone 6? You Should Read This Report Excited About the New iPhone 6? You Should Read This Report
A recent investigation of an Apple supplier factory by China Labor Watch and Green America found numerous serious health, safety and human rights violations.
Sep 9, 2014 / NationAction

Why Immigration Reform Has to Go Hand-in-Hand With Stronger Labor Rights Why Immigration Reform Has to Go Hand-in-Hand With Stronger Labor Rights
The workers awaiting immigration reform need the ability to work legally, but they also need to be empowered at work.
Sep 8, 2014 / Michelle Chen

$15 and a Union: Fast-Food Workers Take Their Demands Nationwide $15 and a Union: Fast-Food Workers Take Their Demands Nationwide
Nearly two years since their mobilization began with about 200 workers in New York, fast-food workers are following through on their two key demands: a $15 hourly wage and a union....
Sep 5, 2014 / Michelle Chen