
How the Mexican Drug Trade Thrives on Free Trade

How the Mexican Drug Trade Thrives on Free Trade How the Mexican Drug Trade Thrives on Free Trade

While President Peña Nieto celebrates the Aztec Tiger, Mexico’s cartels reach deeper into the legal economy.

Jul 15, 2014 / Christy Thornton and Adam Goodman

Hobby Lobby Is Now Discriminating Against a Transgender Employee

Hobby Lobby Is Now Discriminating Against a Transgender Employee Hobby Lobby Is Now Discriminating Against a Transgender Employee

After being denied access to workplace facilities for being transgender, a Hobby Lobby employee is now pressing a discrimination case with the Illinois Human Rights Commission. 

Jul 14, 2014 / Michelle Chen

America: The Impotent Superpower

America: The Impotent Superpower America: The Impotent Superpower

American military and corporate power have triumphed over all rivals—so why does the United States still struggle to impose its will on the world?

Jul 14, 2014 / Tom Engelhardt

Against Austerity in Detroit: ‘Water Is a Human Right’

Against Austerity in Detroit: ‘Water Is a Human Right’ Against Austerity in Detroit: ‘Water Is a Human Right’

Citizens organize to block water shutoffs as the UN Special Rapporteur says ”when there is genuine inability to pay, human rights simply forbids disconnections.”

Jul 11, 2014 / John Nichols

Did Child Labor Build Your Smart Phone?

Did Child Labor Build Your Smart Phone? Did Child Labor Build Your Smart Phone?

A watchdog group has uncovered numerous labor violations at a Samsung supplier in southern China—including underage workers.

Jul 11, 2014 / Michelle Chen

What Does the Democratic Party Actually Believe?

What Does the Democratic Party Actually Believe? What Does the Democratic Party Actually Believe?

Does the Democratic party’s soul lie with Hilliary Clinton, moderation and Wall Street—or somewhere else?

Jul 9, 2014 / William Greider

A Grassroots Labor Uprising—at Your Bank?

A Grassroots Labor Uprising—at Your Bank? A Grassroots Labor Uprising—at Your Bank?

As a trade deal focusing on the financial sector is underway so too is a campaign to organize Wall Street’s rank-and-file.

Jul 9, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Teachers to Education Secretary Arne Duncan: Please Quit

Teachers to Education Secretary Arne Duncan: Please Quit Teachers to Education Secretary Arne Duncan: Please Quit

National Education Association calls out Obama’s education secretary for focusing on high-stakes testing. Democrats should take the criticism seriously.

Jul 8, 2014 / John Nichols

Why the Supreme Court’s Attack on Labor Hurts Women Most

Why the Supreme Court’s Attack on Labor Hurts Women Most Why the Supreme Court’s Attack on Labor Hurts Women Most

The Hobby Lobby case is more clearly aimed at women, but Harris v. Quinn may prove even more consequential for the lives of working women.

Jul 7, 2014 / Michelle Chen

What Happened When One Country Required All Corporate Boards to Be 40% Women

What Happened When One Country Required All Corporate Boards to Be 40% Women What Happened When One Country Required All Corporate Boards to Be 40% Women

A new study finds board quotas don’t improve conditions for the average working woman, but they do the job of giving women more representation among powerful roles.

Jul 7, 2014 / Bryce Covert
