
Class War: Thailand’s Military Coup

Class War: Thailand’s Military Coup Class War: Thailand’s Military Coup

Outnumbered by the country’s rural voters, Thailand’s once vibrantly democratic urban middle class has embraced an elitist, antidemocratic agenda.

May 27, 2014 / Walden Bello and Foreign Policy In Focus

Like Big Tobacco, Big Energy Targets the Developing World for Future Profits

Like Big Tobacco, Big Energy Targets the Developing World for Future Profits Like Big Tobacco, Big Energy Targets the Developing World for Future Profits

An increase in carbon sales to non-OECD countries will help create a humanitarian catastrophe of apocalyptic dimensions.

May 27, 2014 / Michael T. Klare

Activists Invade the Guggenheim: Holding US Institutions Accountable for Labor Abuses in Abu Dhabi

Activists Invade the Guggenheim: Holding US Institutions Accountable for Labor Abuses in Abu Dhabi Activists Invade the Guggenheim: Holding US Institutions Accountable for Labor Abuses in Abu Dhabi

The disruption at the Guggenheim was just a visual articulation of global, grassroots demands rising outside the museum walls.

May 26, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Piketty in Elysium

Piketty in Elysium Piketty in Elysium

If inequality sells in bookstores and box offices, it will sell at the polls as well.

May 23, 2014 / John Feffer and Foreign Policy In Focus

Will the Caribbean Reparations Initiative Inspire a Revitalization of the US Movement?

Will the Caribbean Reparations Initiative Inspire a Revitalization of the US Movement? Will the Caribbean Reparations Initiative Inspire a Revitalization of the US Movement?

Underdevelopment in the Caribbean is a direct legacy of the slave trade, and descendants of enslaved Africans should be compensated accordingly.

May 23, 2014 / Don Rojas

Single Moms Take Note: California Considers Raising the Minimum Wage to $13

Single Moms Take Note: California Considers Raising the Minimum Wage to $13 Single Moms Take Note: California Considers Raising the Minimum Wage to $13

A new study says the change could save lives and improve health statewide—good news for the 40 percent of poor households led by single women.

May 23, 2014 / Dani McClain

What White Privilege Looks Like When You’re Poor

What White Privilege Looks Like When You’re Poor What White Privilege Looks Like When You’re Poor

A new bill proposed by the House Appropriations Committee focuses on tackling rural, not urban, hunger thereby focusing efforts on poor whites rather than people of color.

May 22, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith

Did Chris Christie Just Sabotage His Chances for 2016?

Did Chris Christie Just Sabotage His Chances for 2016? Did Chris Christie Just Sabotage His Chances for 2016?

The Newark Star-Ledger says Christie’s attack on pensions is the final nail in his coffin. (We’ll see.)

May 22, 2014 / Bob and Barbara Dreyfuss

Why the Korean Ferry Disaster Is an American Issue

Why the Korean Ferry Disaster Is an American Issue Why the Korean Ferry Disaster Is an American Issue

It’s the product of both deregulatory neoliberal capitalism and Korea’s authoritarian past—a history in which the United States played no small part.

May 21, 2014 / Christine Hong and Foreign Policy In Focus

The Purple Network Opinion Duel: Does the US Need a Higher Minimum Wage?

The Purple Network Opinion Duel: Does the US Need a Higher Minimum Wage? The Purple Network Opinion Duel: Does the US Need a Higher Minimum Wage?

The third in a series of debates between The Nation and National Review, moderated by Roll Call.

May 21, 2014 / The Nation
