
Life Inside the New Minimum Wage Economy

Life Inside the New Minimum Wage Economy Life Inside the New Minimum Wage Economy

Taxpayers are basically moneylenders to a government that is far more interested in subsidizing business than in caring for their workers.

Apr 24, 2014 / Peter Van Buren

80 Percent of the World’s Fossil Fuels Must Stay in the Ground to Avert Catastrophe

80 Percent of the World’s Fossil Fuels Must Stay in the Ground to Avert Catastrophe 80 Percent of the World’s Fossil Fuels Must Stay in the Ground to Avert Catastrophe

What what will it take to make the energy companies relinquish this wealth?

Apr 23, 2014 / Chris Hayes

The Power of Piketty’s ‘Capital’

The Power of Piketty’s ‘Capital’ The Power of Piketty’s ‘Capital’

A brilliant book has named the problem of our time. But will anything change?

Apr 23, 2014 / Column / Eric Alterman

Christie Hones His 2016 Stump Speech at a Chamber of Commerce Event

Christie Hones His 2016 Stump Speech at a Chamber of Commerce Event Christie Hones His 2016 Stump Speech at a Chamber of Commerce Event

But the scandals seem inexorable.

Apr 23, 2014 / Bob and Barbara Dreyfuss

Obama’s Free Trade Agreement Ignores the Scandal of Rana Plaza

Obama’s Free Trade Agreement Ignores the Scandal of Rana Plaza Obama’s Free Trade Agreement Ignores the Scandal of Rana Plaza

The president should be proposing new rules for importers who manufacture their products overseas, but don’t hold your breath.

Apr 23, 2014 / William Greider

Elizabeth Warren Wants to Give Students a Fighting Chance

Elizabeth Warren Wants to Give Students a Fighting Chance Elizabeth Warren Wants to Give Students a Fighting Chance

Forty percent of households headed by someone under the age of thirty-five are saddled with student debt, unable to buy homes, raise families and secure their futures.  

Apr 23, 2014 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Your Government Owes You a Job

Your Government Owes You a Job Your Government Owes You a Job

The federal government can easily afford a job guarantee program, becoming our employer of last resort.

Apr 23, 2014 / Raúl Carrillo

Elizabeth Warren May Not Be Ready to Run for President, but Her Book Is

Elizabeth Warren May Not Be Ready to Run for President, but Her Book Is Elizabeth Warren May Not Be Ready to Run for President, but Her Book Is

A Fighting Chance is a poignant, populist book that frames a direction for Democrats.

Apr 23, 2014 / John Nichols

The New Abolitionism

The New Abolitionism The New Abolitionism

Averting planetary disaster will mean forcing fossil fuel companies to give up at least $10 trillion in wealth.

Apr 22, 2014 / Feature / Chris Hayes

‘Jobs vs. the Environment’: How to Counter This Divisive Big Lie

‘Jobs vs. the Environment’: How to Counter This Divisive Big Lie ‘Jobs vs. the Environment’: How to Counter This Divisive Big Lie

We can, and must, create common ground between the labor and climate movements.

Apr 22, 2014 / Jeremy Brecher
