
The Farmer Who Took on Corporate Globalization

The Farmer Who Took on Corporate Globalization The Farmer Who Took on Corporate Globalization

Among the first challengers of the "free trade" fantasy were farmers, fisherfolk, peasants and indigenous peoples. John Kinsman was their comrade and champion.

Jan 27, 2014 / John Nichols

Justice Department Could Ease Regulations for Legal Weed Businesses ‘Very Soon’

Justice Department Could Ease Regulations for Legal Weed Businesses ‘Very Soon’ Justice Department Could Ease Regulations for Legal Weed Businesses ‘Very Soon’

Currently commercial marijuana retailers have virtually no access to banks--but Attorney General Eric Holder says that might be about to change.

Jan 24, 2014 / George Zornick

How the Coal Industry Impoverishes West Virginia

How the Coal Industry Impoverishes West Virginia How the Coal Industry Impoverishes West Virginia

The recent chemical spill is the latest chapter in a very old story: total capitulation to industry by state officials. 

Jan 24, 2014 / Omar Ghabra

Who Backs the TPP and a ‘NAFTA on Steroids’? ALEC

Who Backs the TPP and a ‘NAFTA on Steroids’? ALEC Who Backs the TPP and a ‘NAFTA on Steroids’? ALEC

The American Legislative Exchange Council is circulating a "Model Policy" resolution endorsing the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Jan 24, 2014 / John Nichols

Guatemala Factory Supplying Walmart and Other US Retailers Stole $6 Million From Workers

Guatemala Factory Supplying Walmart and Other US Retailers Stole $6 Million From Workers Guatemala Factory Supplying Walmart and Other US Retailers Stole $6 Million From Workers

More than 200 internal documents implicate a garment factory used by Walmart, Macy’s, JCPenney and Kohl’s.

Jan 23, 2014 / Steven Hsieh

A Glimpse Into the Zapatista Movement, Two Decades Later

A Glimpse Into the Zapatista Movement, Two Decades Later A Glimpse Into the Zapatista Movement, Two Decades Later

Zapatista strongholds endure in the state of Chiapas, managing their own schools, banks, hospitals, arts collectives and system of government.

Jan 23, 2014 / Laura Gottesdiener

6 Conservatives Who Support Raising the Minimum Wage

6 Conservatives Who Support Raising the Minimum Wage 6 Conservatives Who Support Raising the Minimum Wage

From software tycoons to media pundits, some conservatives have argued for raising the minimum wage.

Jan 22, 2014 / Steven Hsieh

David Brooks Shows His Hand on ‘Inequality’

David Brooks Shows His Hand on ‘Inequality’ David Brooks Shows His Hand on ‘Inequality’

The conservative NYT columnist steers the conversation away from economics and toward “behavioral” terrain.

Jan 22, 2014 / Column / Eric Alterman

Four Years After ‘Citizens United,’ There Is Real Movement to Remove Big Money From Politics

Four Years After ‘Citizens United,’ There Is Real Movement to Remove Big Money From Politics Four Years After ‘Citizens United,’ There Is Real Movement to Remove Big Money From Politics

Sixteen states and 500 communities have demanded an amendment to the US Constitution. Twenty fourteen will be a year of action.

Jan 21, 2014 / John Nichols

Thirty-Two Arrested at a LaGuardia Rally for Higher Wages

Thirty-Two Arrested at a LaGuardia Rally for Higher Wages Thirty-Two Arrested at a LaGuardia Rally for Higher Wages

Thrity-two people were arrested at an SEIU-organized rally for liveable wages and a paid Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday.

Jan 21, 2014 / Allison Kilkenny
