Men Want Work-Family Balance, and Policy Should Help Them Achieve It Men Want Work-Family Balance, and Policy Should Help Them Achieve It
Until men are also expected to take time away from work to be with children, workers of both genders face a vicious cycle.
Jul 9, 2013 / Bryce Covert

Mark Wetjen—Wall Street Shill or Main Street Hero? Mark Wetjen—Wall Street Shill or Main Street Hero?
One man on the Commodity Futures Trading Commission holds the key vote in a crucial decision about derivatives trading that could prevent—or enable—more bank bailo...
Jul 8, 2013 / Alexis Goldstein

Eliot Spitzer: Great Policy, Arrogant Politics Eliot Spitzer: Great Policy, Arrogant Politics
He knows how to use public posts to check and balance the money power. But Spitzer’s dismissal of public financing of campaigns makes for an unsettling comeback.
Jul 8, 2013 / John Nichols

Chicago Cabbies Fight for a Fairer Fare Chicago Cabbies Fight for a Fairer Fare
If cab drivers in Chicago win their lawsuit to become employees of the city, their jobs will become a lot less terrible.
Jul 8, 2013 / Moshe Z. Marvit and Vincent Mersich
This July 4 Weekend in Poverty: Get Involved in the Fight Against Poverty This July 4 Weekend in Poverty: Get Involved in the Fight Against Poverty
If we wanted to end poverty we could. Here are some groups you can get involved with that are leading the way.
Jul 5, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann
How the Sequester Savages the Long-Term Unemployed How the Sequester Savages the Long-Term Unemployed
Congress has made sure you don't have to wait too long at the airport because of the sequester—but if you’re unemployed, you’;e out of luck.
Jul 4, 2013 / George Zornick
Sequestration Watch: Hunger by the Numbers Sequestration Watch: Hunger by the Numbers
Think sequestration isn’t having much of an effect? Check out the impact on food and hunger programs in the US and abroad.
Jul 3, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

Oh, Right, the Jobs Crisis Oh, Right, the Jobs Crisis
With a 7.6 percent unemployment rate, and much higher youth unemployment, job creation must remain on the agenda.
Jul 3, 2013 / John Nichols

Chicago Rising! Chicago Rising!
A resurgent protest culture fights back against Rahm Emanuel’s austerity agenda.
Jul 2, 2013 / Feature / Rick Perlstein

Elizabeth Warren Tackles Wall Street Elizabeth Warren Tackles Wall Street
The reform-minded senator talks tough, and she knows where the bodies are buried.
Jul 2, 2013 / Feature / William Greider