Tax for America Tax for America
Just doing what’s popular would make us healthier, wealthier, wiser and less indebted.
Apr 11, 2013 / Mattea Kramer

Take That, Austerity! Outcry and Activism Save 6-Day Mail Delivery Take That, Austerity! Outcry and Activism Save 6-Day Mail Delivery
How to fight the austerity agenda? Take a page from this campaign.
Apr 11, 2013 / John Nichols
Noted Noted
Rinku Sen on the Associated Press's decision to "drop the 'i' word," Robert Dreyfuss on Hagel's bad budget rhetoric, and the editors on a prize for Nation...
Apr 10, 2013 / The Editors

Why We Need to Expand Social Security, Not Cut It Why We Need to Expand Social Security, Not Cut It
Obama's budget proposal is both bad politics and bad economics—our real crisis is that most Americans lack the means for a secure retirement.
Apr 10, 2013 / The Editors

Will Voters Forgive Obama for Cutting Social Security? Will Voters Forgive Obama for Cutting Social Security?
If the president goes through with his chained-CPI gambit, seniors won't be the only ones taking a hit—his political fortunes, and those of his party, will too.
Apr 10, 2013 / William Greider

Foreclosure Review Report Shows That the OCC Continues to Bury Wall Street’s Bodies Foreclosure Review Report Shows That the OCC Continues to Bury Wall Street’s Bodies
A GAO examination of the Independent Foreclosure Review reveals massive levels of incompetence and negligence.
Apr 10, 2013 / Alexis Goldstein

How Did Margaret Thatcher Do It? How Did Margaret Thatcher Do It?
In every way, her agenda opposed the interests of ordinary working people. How did she get so many of them to vote against their own economic interests again and again?
Apr 9, 2013 / Column / Gary Younge
The Gilded City The Gilded City
Struggling to survive in Bloomberg’s New York.
Apr 9, 2013 / The Nation

How the 40-Year ‘Long Recession’ Led to the Great Recession How the 40-Year ‘Long Recession’ Led to the Great Recession
If the majority of American workers were producing more without earning more, who was going to buy all the stuff?
Apr 9, 2013 / Barbara Garson

How Union City Is Shifting the Arc of Immigrant Kids’ Lives How Union City Is Shifting the Arc of Immigrant Kids’ Lives
With a well-marked pathway from preschool through high school, the dense New Jersey city is a model educator for newcomers—and America at large.
Apr 8, 2013 / David Kirp