Whiny Billionaires in Need of Sequestration Whiny Billionaires in Need of Sequestration
As cuts in services for struggling Americans go into effect, nine Wall Street executives who are profiting off the recession just received $1 billion in bonuses.
Mar 5, 2013 / Robert Scheer

School Breakfasts and Ending Child Hunger School Breakfasts and Ending Child Hunger
A recent study shows that school breakfasts can help alleviate child hunger. Will President Obama take action on his pledge to end it?
Mar 5, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

If Switzerland Can Crack Down on CEOs, Why Not the US? If Switzerland Can Crack Down on CEOs, Why Not the US?
Swiss voters just empowered shareholders to restrict and restrain corporate abuses. The US should follow their lead, especially when it comes to corporate influence on campaigns.&n...
Mar 4, 2013 / John Nichols
This Week: Stumbling Toward Sequestration This Week: Stumbling Toward Sequestration
The $85 billion sequester will hurt our economy—and our people.
Mar 2, 2013 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

John Nichols: Where’s Ronald Reagan When You Need Him? John Nichols: Where’s Ronald Reagan When You Need Him?
Why are Capitol Hill’s austerity hawks driving the budget conversation?
Mar 1, 2013 / Press Room

Sequestration Is Here: The Danger That Lies Ahead Sequestration Is Here: The Danger That Lies Ahead
Progressives shouldn’t confuse a political victory with a policy victory on the sequester.
Mar 1, 2013 / George Zornick

Did the DC Circuit Court Give a Green Light for Union-Busting? Did the DC Circuit Court Give a Green Light for Union-Busting?
The Communications Workers of America says that the ruling overturning Obama’s nominations emboldened employers—like the one that terminated twenty-two union activists....
Mar 1, 2013 / Josh Eidelson

Dispatches From the US Student Movement: March 1 Dispatches From the US Student Movement: March 1
This week, students across the country rail against program cuts, tuition hikes and racist university policies. What’s next for reproductive justice in Alabama? Could Congres...
Mar 1, 2013 / StudentNation / StudentNation

This Week in Poverty: Gangnam-Style Counting With Senator Jeff Sessions This Week in Poverty: Gangnam-Style Counting With Senator Jeff Sessions
Republican Senator Jeff Sessions uses some very creative math to prove that people in poverty have incomes that are similar to the middle class.
Mar 1, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

Gotta Sequester? Or Was Cheney Right That ‘Deficits Don’t Matter’? Gotta Sequester? Or Was Cheney Right That ‘Deficits Don’t Matter’?
There is a lot of hypocrisy in the sudden Republican obsession with deficits and debt.
Mar 1, 2013 / John Nichols