
This Week in Poverty: Kristof’s Swing and Miss

This Week in Poverty: Kristof’s Swing and Miss This Week in Poverty: Kristof’s Swing and Miss

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof acknowledges that he is no expert on domestic policy, and then sets out to prove it.

Dec 14, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann

Listen to the Fed: Unemployment Is the Real Problem Listen to the Fed: Unemployment Is the Real Problem

Ben Bernanke described the persistence of mass joblessness as “a waste of human and economic potential.”

Dec 13, 2012 / William Greider

Lee Fang: The Corporate Cash Behind Michigan’s ‘Right to Work’ Legislation

Lee Fang: The Corporate Cash Behind Michigan’s ‘Right to Work’ Legislation Lee Fang: The Corporate Cash Behind Michigan’s ‘Right to Work’ Legislation

What caused Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s political 180 on anti-labor legislation?

Dec 13, 2012 / Press Room

Walmart Workers Will Rally in Ten Countries Tomorrow

Walmart Workers Will Rally in Ten Countries Tomorrow Walmart Workers Will Rally in Ten Countries Tomorrow

Workers across five continents will protest alleged retaliation against US Walmart employees.

Dec 13, 2012 / Josh Eidelson

Emerging Fiscal Cliff Deal Spares Corporations, but Not the Safety Net

Emerging Fiscal Cliff Deal Spares Corporations, but Not the Safety Net Emerging Fiscal Cliff Deal Spares Corporations, but Not the Safety Net

Is Obama’s preferred deal one that cuts benefits for millions of Americans while sparing corporate America?

Dec 12, 2012 / George Zornick

Today in Poverty: GOP Leadership and Violence Against Native Women

Today in Poverty: GOP Leadership and Violence Against Native Women Today in Poverty: GOP Leadership and Violence Against Native Women

Conservatives in Congress continue to block the Violence Against Women Act, denying vital protections for Native American women.

Dec 12, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann

Thousands Descend on Michigan Capitol to Protest Anti-Worker Bills

Thousands Descend on Michigan Capitol to Protest Anti-Worker Bills Thousands Descend on Michigan Capitol to Protest Anti-Worker Bills

A very real ideological battle is being waged between labor and the forces that wish to destroy the power of collective bargaining.

Dec 12, 2012 / Allison Kilkenny

Michigan Adopts the ALEC Model for Diminishing Democracy

Michigan Adopts the ALEC Model for Diminishing Democracy Michigan Adopts the ALEC Model for Diminishing Democracy

A “right to work” law isn’t about economic development or “freedom.” It’s about increasing the power of corporations. 

Dec 12, 2012 / John Nichols

Meet Five CEOs Who Prove That Lower Corporate Taxes Don’t Equal More Hiring

Meet Five CEOs Who Prove That Lower Corporate Taxes Don’t Equal More Hiring Meet Five CEOs Who Prove That Lower Corporate Taxes Don’t Equal More Hiring

It's a key argument made by CEOs pushing for a deal on the fiscal cliff, but it's wrong.

Dec 11, 2012 / George Zornick

Why Most Walmart and Fast Food Workers Didn’t Strike

Why Most Walmart and Fast Food Workers Didn’t Strike Why Most Walmart and Fast Food Workers Didn’t Strike

Recent strikes against Walmart and fast food chains made waves, but the vast majority of service workers can’t afford to speak out.

Dec 11, 2012 / Nona Willis Aronowitz
