
Low-Income Older Women Will Be Worst Hit if States Don’t Expand Medicaid Low-Income Older Women Will Be Worst Hit if States Don’t Expand Medicaid

This vulnerable group could be left high and dry just when they should be trying to save for retirement.

Jul 23, 2012 / Bryce Covert

This Week: Alexander Cockburn, 1941–2012. PLUS: Six Facts About Colorado’s Gun Laws. This Week: Alexander Cockburn, 1941–2012. PLUS: Six Facts About Colorado’s Gun Laws.

We're deeply saddened by loss of longtime Nation columnist Alexander Cockburn. Plus, Washington reporter George Zornick examines Colorado’s gun laws, Richard Kim breaks down ...

Jul 21, 2012 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Con Ed Workers and Allies Rally in Union Square to End Lockout Con Ed Workers and Allies Rally in Union Square to End Lockout

As a hot summer rolls on and the lockout enters its third week, New York City unions ramp up the pressure. 

Jul 20, 2012 / Matthew Cunningham-Cook

This Week in Poverty This Week in Poverty

An excellent infographic from Demos illustrates some vital poverty statistics.

Jul 20, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann

Romney ‘Goes for the Gold’ in London’s Libor Village Romney ‘Goes for the Gold’ in London’s Libor Village

Mitt is using the Olympic opening to collect cash from bankers who are at the center of an international rate-fixing scandal.

Jul 20, 2012 / John Nichols

Large, Profitable Companies Employ Most Minimum-Wage Earners Large, Profitable Companies Employ Most Minimum-Wage Earners

Corporations with plenty of money to spare could afford to pay workers more—they just won’t. 

Jul 19, 2012 / George Zornick

Dana Goldstein: Schools Are Not Businesses

Dana Goldstein: Schools Are Not Businesses Dana Goldstein: Schools Are Not Businesses

The classroom and the boardroom are two very different worlds.

Jul 19, 2012 / Francis Reynolds

CFPB Demonstrates Why Banks Fought Its Creation Tooth-and-Nail

CFPB Demonstrates Why Banks Fought Its Creation Tooth-and-Nail CFPB Demonstrates Why Banks Fought Its Creation Tooth-and-Nail

After spending untold amounts of money battling the creation of the bureau, Capital One finds itself the first victim. 

Jul 18, 2012 / George Zornick

Wisconsin Recalls Finally Check and Balance Scott Walker Wisconsin Recalls Finally Check and Balance Scott Walker

With the formal shift of control of the Wisconsin state Senate to Democratic control, America’s leading anti-labor governor can no longer govern at whim.

Jul 18, 2012 / John Nichols

Black America’s Mobility Crisis Black America’s Mobility Crisis

The Great Recession has devastated black wealth and the ability of black Americans to move up the income ladder. 

Jul 18, 2012 / Jamelle Bouie
