Occupy Movements Spotlight Disappearing Rights Occupy Movements Spotlight Disappearing Rights
As Occupy chapters open across the country, the trials and tribulations of protesters draw attention to the nation's disappearing rights.
Oct 11, 2011 / Allison Kilkenny
Wisconsin Drive to Recall Walker Starts November 15 Wisconsin Drive to Recall Walker Starts November 15
Activists say they will begin the process of booting anti-labor Republican Scott Walker. But the governor and his allies are putting pressure on the board that oversees elections.
Oct 11, 2011 / John Nichols
Hypocrisy Share Values Soar as Tea Party Republicans Accuse Occupy Wall Street of ‘Dividing Americans’ Hypocrisy Share Values Soar as Tea Party Republicans Accuse Occupy Wall Street of ‘Dividing Americans’
The No. 2 Republican in the House rose to power on the strength of the Tea Party phenomenon, which parlayed divisiveness into big political advances in 2010. Now, he attacks &ldquo...
Oct 8, 2011 / John Nichols
Occupy Wall Street: The Most Important Thing in the World Now Occupy Wall Street: The Most Important Thing in the World Now
The task of our time is to insist that we can afford to build a decent society—while at the same time, respect the real limits to what the earth can take.
Oct 6, 2011 / Naomi Klein
What Would Keynes Do? A Forum, Part 2 What Would Keynes Do? A Forum, Part 2
A second round of responses from economists and wonks to Thomas Geoghegan's Nation essay “What Would Keynes Do?”
Oct 6, 2011 / Dean Baker, Alice Amsden, and Louis Uchitelle
Occupation Nation Goes to Washington Occupation Nation Goes to Washington
The Wall Street protesters have created the template for an ambitious new occupation in the nation’s capital.
Oct 6, 2011 / Nathan Schneider
Flat-lining the Middle Class: Economic Numbers to Die For Flat-lining the Middle Class: Economic Numbers to Die For
Life support for our economy is nowhere close to arriving. One lost decade may have ended, but the next one has likely only begun.
Oct 6, 2011 / Andy Kroll
Unions, Thousands Join Occupy Wall Street’s Fight Unions, Thousands Join Occupy Wall Street’s Fight
Thousands of people gathered at Foley Square in New York City, including many prominent unions, to demand an end to the bailout of Wall Street and a beginning to the bailing out of...
Oct 5, 2011 / Allison Kilkenny
The UK’s Labour Party Finds Its Voice The UK’s Labour Party Finds Its Voice
Ed Miliband has began to nudge his party in a new direction—a left populism that just might challenge Britain’s real rulers, in corporate boardrooms and in Parliament.
Oct 5, 2011 / D.D. Guttenplan
The Politics of Occupy Wall Street: Bernie Sanders, Progressives, Big Unions Endorse; Obama’s Silent The Politics of Occupy Wall Street: Bernie Sanders, Progressives, Big Unions Endorse; Obama’s Silent
A movement once dismissed is now embraced by Teamsters, MoveOn, key Democrats and even Ron Paul. Obama? Not so much.
Oct 5, 2011 / John Nichols