Barbara Ehrenreich: On (Not) Getting By in America Barbara Ehrenreich: On (Not) Getting By in America
Jobs are not jobs unless workers can live off of their wages in a way that does not trap them in eternal poverty.
Aug 8, 2011 / Democracy Now!
Downgrading Democracy Downgrading Democracy
Standard & Poor’s is trying to set the parameters of political debate in America. That should offend everyone—no matter what their party, no matter what their ideol...
Aug 6, 2011 / John Nichols
Defending the Economy Defending the Economy
The only way to provide for a growing populace in need of a larger infrastructure is by raising the debt ceiling.
Aug 5, 2011 / Press Room
Defending the Economy Defending the Economy
The only way to provide for a growing populace in need of a larger infrastructure is by raising the debt ceiling.
Aug 5, 2011 / KPFK-LA Management

Going Down With the Dow Going Down With the Dow
The market’s worst drop in two years may not signal a double-dip recession. But it certainly underscores the stupidity of Washington’s deficit/debt mania.
Aug 5, 2011 / Dean Baker
How ALEC Turned Prisoners into Corporate America’s Cheap Labor Force How ALEC Turned Prisoners into Corporate America’s Cheap Labor Force
What do breaded chicken patties, office chairs and cruise missiles used in Libya have in common? They are all made by America's 100,000-strong secret workforce: prisoners.
Aug 5, 2011 / Democracy Now!

Wasn’t the Debt-Ceiling Deal Supposed to Avert a 512-Point Dow Collapse? Wasn’t the Debt-Ceiling Deal Supposed to Avert a 512-Point Dow Collapse?
Obama surrendered to Republicans to get a job-killing, growth-stifling debt-ceiling deal. It was a horrible mistake. Now, with markets tanking, will the president make that mistake...
Aug 4, 2011 / John Nichols
Sal Rosselli: Empowering the Labor Movement Sal Rosselli: Empowering the Labor Movement
Unions have no permanent political friends nor permanent political enemies. Unions only have permanent political issues.
Aug 4, 2011 / The Nation and On The Earth Productions

After the Debt-Ceiling Debacle After the Debt-Ceiling Debacle
Maybe now we can get back to making sense of news about the real economy and the struggles people are experiencing every day.
Aug 4, 2011 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
The Spending Cuts Are Two Sacred Cows Strapped Together With a Time Bomb The Spending Cuts Are Two Sacred Cows Strapped Together With a Time Bomb
This “Super” Committee is actually a ticking time bomb strapped to two sacred cows: military spending and social spending.
Aug 4, 2011 / Press Room