
Bernie Sanders to Obama: ‘Do Not Yield to Outrageous Republican Demands’ on Taxes, Cuts, Deficit Policy

Bernie Sanders to Obama: ‘Do Not Yield to Outrageous Republican Demands’ on Taxes, Cuts, Deficit Policy Bernie Sanders to Obama: ‘Do Not Yield to Outrageous Republican Demands’ on Taxes, Cuts, Deficit Policy

Vermont's independent senator urges the president to reject GOP demands that the budget be balanced on the backs of working Americans. 

Jun 27, 2011 / John Nichols

29 Miners and Massey’s Coal Crimes 29 Miners and Massey’s Coal Crimes

A report released last month found that Massey Energy was largely responsible for the mine explosion that killed 29 people. But little justice has been rendered.

Jun 26, 2011 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Fitzwalkerstan ‘Justice’: Wisconsin Governor Walker’s Judicial Fixer Accused of Assaulting Dissenting Jurist Fitzwalkerstan ‘Justice’: Wisconsin Governor Walker’s Judicial Fixer Accused of Assaulting Dissenting Jurist

As Justice David Prosser was battling on the state Supreme Court on behalf of Governor Walker's anti-labor agenda, he reportedly attacked a justice who disagreed with him. This is ...

Jun 25, 2011 / John Nichols

This Week: The Beginning of the End in Afghanistan. PLUS: A Wal-Mart Economy This Week: The Beginning of the End in Afghanistan. PLUS: A Wal-Mart Economy

This week, four perspectives on President Obama's announcement on troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. Plus, a reaction to the Supreme Court's ruling in Dukes v. Wal-Mart, and a new ...

Jun 24, 2011 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Nurses March on Wall Street for Fair Taxes Nurses March on Wall Street for Fair Taxes

On June 22, several hundred nurses and progressive activists marched on Wall Street in New York demanding a new tax on financial transactions.  

Jun 24, 2011 / The Nation

Nation Conversations: Betsy Reed and Dan Coughlin on WikiLeaks Haiti

Nation Conversations: Betsy Reed and Dan Coughlin on WikiLeaks Haiti Nation Conversations: Betsy Reed and Dan Coughlin on WikiLeaks Haiti

The explosive diplomatic cables prove what many Haitians already knew about US and UN meddling in the country.

Jun 24, 2011 / The Nation

Dan Coughlin and Kim Ives: Tracking the WikiLeaks Haiti Cables Dan Coughlin and Kim Ives: Tracking the WikiLeaks Haiti Cables

Recently-released WikiLeaks cables reveal that Haiti's self-appointed guardians—the US, EU and UN—supported an election in the country despite obvious evidence that it ...

Jun 24, 2011 / Press Room

The Senate Hears Tales From the Struggling Middle Class The Senate Hears Tales From the Struggling Middle Class

The Senate heard emotional tales of struggling middle-class families Thursday—but it‘s not clear they can do anything about it.

Jun 23, 2011 / George Zornick

A Great Big Win for Labor and (Real) National Security: 40,000 TSA Screeners Go Union

A Great Big Win for Labor and (Real) National Security: 40,000 TSA Screeners Go Union A Great Big Win for Labor and (Real) National Security: 40,000 TSA Screeners Go Union

Republican senators and the right-wing echo chamber did everything they could to prevent unionization of airport screeners. The union drive succeeded anyway.

Jun 23, 2011 / John Nichols

Bill Clinton’s Legacy of Denial Bill Clinton’s Legacy of Denial

Does Bill Clinton still not grasp that the current economic crisis is in large measure his legacy?

Jun 22, 2011 / Robert Scheer
