Most House Democrats Reject Obama’s Austerity Budget Deal With GOP Most House Democrats Reject Obama’s Austerity Budget Deal With GOP
Agreement is approved by House and Senate, but Democratic opposition in the House is striking. In the Senate, Bernie Sanders votes no and says “this budget moves America in e...
Apr 15, 2011 / John Nichols
Tangled Up in Unbelievable Foolishness Tangled Up in Unbelievable Foolishness
Eric Alterman reviews jazz, including Wynton Marsalis and Eric Clapton, the Jazz Foundation benefit, and Reed Richardson discusses the ethics of Obama's budget speech.
Apr 15, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Eric Alterman
Greetings From Fitzwalkerstan: Governor Tells Congress Busting Unions is ‘Progressive’ Greetings From Fitzwalkerstan: Governor Tells Congress Busting Unions is ‘Progressive’
Governor Scott Walker appeared before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and claimed that his assault on public employees and public-school teachers, publi...
Apr 14, 2011 / John Nichols

Obama’s ‘Shared Sacrifice’ Hits the Poor and Middle-Class Hardest Obama’s ‘Shared Sacrifice’ Hits the Poor and Middle-Class Hardest
For every $1 raised by closing tax loopholes for wealthy Americans, Obama proposes $2 in spending cuts.
Apr 14, 2011 / The Editors

Slide Show: 7 Corporate Tax Evaders Slide Show: 7 Corporate Tax Evaders
The budget agreement that President Obama lashed together late last week in the face of a government shutdown will take away billions of dollars in federal funding from vital publi…
Apr 14, 2011 / Photo Essay / The Nation

This Tax Day, ‘Farms’ Owned by the Rich Provide Massive Tax Shelter This Tax Day, ‘Farms’ Owned by the Rich Provide Massive Tax Shelter
Michael Dell managed to devalue his Austin ranch from $71.4 million to $290,000. He's not alone: a huge swath of wealthy Americans are misusing tax credits intended to protect farm...
Apr 14, 2011 / Yasha Levine
GE Demands Removal of Hoax Website GE Demands Removal of Hoax Website
The Yes Men and US Uncut issued a hoax press release stating that the ocmpany intended to donate its entire $3.2 billion tax refund to the US Treasury. GE was not am...
Apr 14, 2011 / Allison Kilkenny
Wisconsin’s Walker in Washington to Discuss How Republicans Can Best Serve Koch Brothers Agenda Wisconsin’s Walker in Washington to Discuss How Republicans Can Best Serve Koch Brothers Agenda
The Walker Way: Collect campaign contributions from the Koch Brothers and other billionaires. Get elected. Carry out Koch Brothers agenda.
Apr 14, 2011 / John Nichols
Yes Men, US Uncut Behind GE Hoax Yes Men, US Uncut Behind GE Hoax
The Yes Men and US Uncut were the groups behind a prank that falsely stated GE announced plans to return $3.2 billion that it received as a tax refund to the federal government as ...
Apr 13, 2011 / Allison Kilkenny

What Makes Life Good? What Makes Life Good?
Measurements of economic growth fail to capture many facets of well-being.
Apr 13, 2011 / Feature / Martha C. Nussbaum