Video: US Uncut’s National Day of Action Video: US Uncut’s National Day of Action
Video and photos have begun to come in from US Uncut's actions from across the country on Saturday.
Mar 27, 2011 / Allison Kilkenny
In Lawless Fitzwalkerstan, a Constitutional Officer Refuses to Bend to a Royal Governor’s Dictate In Lawless Fitzwalkerstan, a Constitutional Officer Refuses to Bend to a Royal Governor’s Dictate
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is now attempting to implement his anti-union power grab, despite a judge's order blocking the move. But Wisconsin's elected Secretary of ...
Mar 27, 2011 / John Nichols
400,000 Brits Protest Against Austerity 400,000 Brits Protest Against Austerity
Half a million people marched through London in opposition to the British government's austerity program. But is anyone listening?
Mar 26, 2011 / D.D. Guttenplan
When Illegal Doesn’t Matter: US Uncut’s National Day Of Protest When Illegal Doesn’t Matter: US Uncut’s National Day Of Protest
Today marked US Uncut’s second big nationwide protest. Coast-to-coast, more than 40 cities joined in a day of action protesting the tax dodging practices of massive corporati...
Mar 26, 2011 / Allison Kilkenny
US Uncut: It’s Not About Budgets, it’s About Revenue US Uncut: It’s Not About Budgets, it’s About Revenue
US Uncut wants Americans to stop fighting each other and focus on the real enemy: billion-dollar corporate thieves dodging taxation.
Mar 25, 2011 / Allison Kilkenny
US Uncut: Holding Corporations Accountable US Uncut: Holding Corporations Accountable
The US Uncut movement is spreading across the country staging protests to make corporate tax dodgers pay up.
Mar 25, 2011 / Press Room
US Uncut: Holding Corporations Accountable US Uncut: Holding Corporations Accountable
The US Uncut movement is spreading across the country staging protests to make corporate tax dodgers pay up.
Mar 24, 2011 / GRITtv

NFL Lockout! NFL Lockout!
Here is the naked truth: we face the prospect of no pro football in 2011 because the union made a three-word demand that would not have cost owners a dime—open your books.
Mar 24, 2011 / Dave Zirin
Katrina vanden Heuvel: The GOP’s Extremists Are Using ‘Despicable Politics’ Katrina vanden Heuvel: The GOP’s Extremists Are Using ‘Despicable Politics’
Republican fanatics are trying to take the country back to a time when workers had no rights.
Mar 24, 2011 / Press Room
Wisconsin’s Last La Follette Blocks a ‘Dictator’ Governor’s Power Grab Wisconsin’s Last La Follette Blocks a ‘Dictator’ Governor’s Power Grab
Wisconsin Secretary of State Doug La Follette has successfully blocked the publication of Governor Scott Walker's anti-labor legislation for almost two weeks. Now, the co...
Mar 24, 2011 / John Nichols