Slide Show: CEO Bonus Season Is Here Slide Show: CEO Bonus Season Is Here
CEO bonus season is approaching, and despite a 9.8 percent unemployment rate, record-breaking poverty figures and more than 1 million expected foreclosures, top executives are raking in breathtaking sums—even while laying off hundreds of employees. According to a report from the Institute for Policy Studies, CEO compensation reached record levels in 2009, and the companies who laid off the most employees reaped around 42 percent greater total compensation than the average S&P 500 company executive.
Dec 30, 2010 / Photo Essay / The Nation
In Money-Changers We Trust In Money-Changers We Trust
Two years into the Obama presidency, with the economic data looking grim, the revolving platinum door linking the White House with Wall Street keeps swinging.
Dec 29, 2010 / Robert Scheer
Dick Cheney’s $250-Million ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ Card Dick Cheney’s $250-Million ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ Card
The "under-the-table settlement" draws condemnation in Nigeria, where a leading newspaper says: "Only a painstaking trial and possible conviction, if found guilty, w...
Dec 27, 2010 / John Nichols
Iceberg Economies and Shadow Selves Iceberg Economies and Shadow Selves
There exists amidst corporate abuses and political neglect a shadow government of kindness, made up of those who dedicate themselves to their ideals and act on their solidarities.
Dec 22, 2010 / Rebecca Solnit

Mobilizing the Jobless Mobilizing the Jobless
More than 26 million Americans don't have enough work, while robber-baron CEOs report record profits. So why aren't the unemployed on the march?
Dec 22, 2010 / Frances Fox Piven
Fighting Back for Workers’ Rights Fighting Back for Workers’ Rights
As we finish our last-minute holiday shopping, we shouldn't forget the great sacrifices of the workers who make the products we buy and the work still to be done to create safe wo...
Dec 21, 2010 / Edgar Romney
Katrina vanden Heuvel on Obama’s Tax Deal and John Boehner’s Tears Katrina vanden Heuvel on Obama’s Tax Deal and John Boehner’s Tears
Did the press do a fair job covering Obama's tax deal compromise? What does the tax deal really mean for America?
Dec 20, 2010 / Press Room
Saving Our Cities with Fair Taxes Saving Our Cities with Fair Taxes
With no tax justice coming from Washington, municipalities across the country will have to take matters into their own hands to save the jobs and social lifelines on which their co...
Dec 20, 2010 / Brad Lander

The Breakdown: How Much Will Tax Sweeteners Cost Taxpayers? The Breakdown: How Much Will Tax Sweeteners Cost Taxpayers?
In the media frenzy over Obama's recent tax deal, few have mentioned the host of tax extenders and sweeteners that will end up costing the country billions of dollars.
Dec 20, 2010 / Chris Hayes
Obama Gets His Tax Deal, Reanimating Reaganomics Obama Gets His Tax Deal, Reanimating Reaganomics
With the deal now done, key Democrats warn about mounting deficits and threat to social programs, with Oregon's Peter DeFazio declaring: "This is a raw deal for seniors, taxpa...
Dec 17, 2010 / John Nichols