Commentary: Betsy Reed on Lou Dobbs’s Immigration Contradictions Commentary: Betsy Reed on Lou Dobbs’s Immigration Contradictions
All the attention given to Dobbs's hypocrisy risks obscuring the deeper lesson to learn from this case: that undocumented workers are so thoroughly woven into the fabric of our e...
Oct 19, 2010 / The Nation on Grit TV
Learning From Lou Dobbs’s Hypocrisy Learning From Lou Dobbs’s Hypocrisy
Fighting for the labor rights of undocumented workers will improve the working conditions for all Americans, argues Isabel Macdonald in the Guardian.
Oct 19, 2010 / Press Room
Robert Scheer Takes Down the Architects of the Financial Crisis Robert Scheer Takes Down the Architects of the Financial Crisis
According to a review just published in the Los Angeles Times, Scheers new book breaks down the economic policy decisions that created the financial crisis, and calls out the men w...
Oct 18, 2010 / Press Room
The Wall Comes Tumbling Down The Wall Comes Tumbling Down
The Coalition of Immokalee Workers signed a historic agreement between farmworkers and a major grower.
Oct 18, 2010 / Greg Kaufmann
Corporations Hide Election Spending From the Public Eye Corporations Hide Election Spending From the Public Eye
To take advantage of Citizens United while shielding themselves from accountability, corporate interests have begun steering election funding through nonprofits and trade associati...
Oct 18, 2010 / Public Advocate Bill de Blasio and Controller Wendy Greuel
Indocumentados Trabajaron Para Dobbs Indocumentados Trabajaron Para Dobbs
Lou Dobbs regularmente arremetía contra los “empleadores de ilegales.” Sin embargo, el propio Dobbs utilizó mano de obra de indocumentados para qu...
Oct 18, 2010 / Isabel Macdonald

The Breakdown: What Caused the Foreclosure Crisis? The Breakdown: What Caused the Foreclosure Crisis?
Bank of America—the largest US bank—has just said that it will halt foreclosures in 23 states due to documentation irregularities. How did we get into the foreclosure crisis in the...
Oct 15, 2010 / Chris Hayes

Labour’s Identity Crisis Labour’s Identity Crisis
The Labour Party's biggest challenge is the lack of a credible alternative to the Conservative-Liberal narrative of crisis and austerity.
Oct 14, 2010 / D.D. Guttenplan

The Bank of America Mortgage Settlement Fiasco The Bank of America Mortgage Settlement Fiasco
Angelo Mozilo, former CEO of Countrywide Financial, has just agreed to pay $67.5 million SEC fine. But the landmark 2008 settlement with Bank of America, which had acquired Country...
Invasion of the Robot Home Snatchers Invasion of the Robot Home Snatchers
The Titanic that is the US housing market has just sprung its biggest leak.
Oct 13, 2010 / Robert Scheer