The Rubin Con Goes On The Rubin Con Goes On
The corruptions of journalism were on full display when CNN’s Fareed Zakaria turned to Robert Rubin this past Sunday for advice on how to fix the financial crisis.
Aug 11, 2010 / Robert Scheer
Charity or Philanthro-Feudalism? Charity or Philanthro-Feudalism?
We need government which has the might and the revenues to run a state. Not rich guys with whims and PR dollars.
Aug 10, 2010 / Laura Flanders
The AIG Bailout Scandal The AIG Bailout Scandal
As Elizabeth Warren’s devastating Congressional report reveals, the Federal Reserve used taxpayer money to bail out the insurance giant, instead of forcing the major banks to...
Aug 6, 2010 / William Greider
Welcome to Recovery for the Rich Welcome to Recovery for the Rich
Geithner doesn't want his declaration of Mission Accomplished over the economy to go the way of that other one.
Aug 5, 2010 / Laura Flanders
GAO Finds Massive Fraud at For-Profit Colleges GAO Finds Massive Fraud at For-Profit Colleges
The question remains what will be done about the practices exposed by the GAO report.
Aug 5, 2010 / StudentNation / George Warner
Food Stamps or Teachers? Food Stamps or Teachers?
The fight over Congress's jobs bill has made the GOP's midterm election strategy clear: stubbornly oppose anything and everything that might improve the economy and hope voters b...
Aug 4, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Banking for the People: An Angry Democrat’s Challenge to Wall Street Banking for the People: An Angry Democrat’s Challenge to Wall Street
Michigan gubernatorial candidate Virg Bernero is ready to create a state bank to invest in job creation.
Aug 3, 2010 / John Nichols
Credit Unions Help Students See the Light, Not the Red Credit Unions Help Students See the Light, Not the Red
How does a student afford mandatory expenses for college without graduating $5,000 or more in the red? Consider credit unions, instead of credit card companies.
Aug 3, 2010 / StudentNation / Melanie Breault
Insecure America Insecure America
Economic insecurity in America is on the rise—and was even before the Great Recession.
Aug 3, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Reagan’s Budget Director: GOP Policies ‘Have Crippled Our Economy’ Reagan’s Budget Director: GOP Policies ‘Have Crippled Our Economy’
David Stockman, Reagan's OMB director, warns against maintaining tax cuts for the rich and other misguided economic policies.
Aug 3, 2010 / John Nichols