
Bernie Sanders: Rally the People Bernie Sanders: Rally the People

Closing the gap between the wealthy and the poor is not as cut-and-dried as Obama paints it to be, but Senator Bernie Sanders has some alternative solutions for the problem.

Jul 30, 2010 / Press Room

Bernie Sanders: Rally the People Bernie Sanders: Rally the People

Closing the gap between the wealthy and the poor is not as cut-and-dried as Obama paints it to be, but Senator Bernie Sanders has some alternative solutions for the problem.

Jul 30, 2010 / GRITtv

Deflation, Not Deficit, Is the Real Threat Deflation, Not Deficit, Is the Real Threat

Members of the Fed have started warning that full-blown monetary deflation may be coming. That, not the deficit, could really put the US economy in ruin.

Jul 30, 2010 / William Greider

The Unemployed Netroots Are Gaining Power The Unemployed Netroots Are Gaining Power

There are people who have been unemployed for six months and there are some who have been unemployed for 99 months or more. Congress should watch out for the 1.5 million unemploy...

Jul 29, 2010 / Press Room

The Unemployed Netroots Are Gaining Power The Unemployed Netroots Are Gaining Power

There are people who have been unemployed for six months and there are some who have been unemployed for 99 months or more. Congress should watch out for the 1.5 million unemployed...

Jul 29, 2010 / The Rachel Maddow Show

Noted. Noted.

Katrina vanden Heuvel on the passing of Iris Dornfeld McWilliams; Rajeshree Sisodia on new accountability for energy firms.

Jul 29, 2010 / The Editors

It’s Time to Fix the Estate Tax It’s Time to Fix the Estate Tax

It's been said that only death and taxes are certain. But the "death tax" is anything but certain right now. Costing the Treasury billions, Congress has allowed the estat...

Jul 26, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

This Week At Views On Race and the Progressive Base This Week At Views On Race and the Progressive Base

Views on race and the progressive base. Plus: The case for Elizabeth Warren, and JoAnn Wypijewski on "the party of no."

Jul 23, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Breakdown: Will the Financial Reform Bill Prevent Future Meltdowns?

The Breakdown: Will the Financial Reform Bill Prevent Future Meltdowns? The Breakdown: Will the Financial Reform Bill Prevent Future Meltdowns?

Obama signed the Frank-Dodd bill into law this week. What does the bill do to reform Wall Street, and will it prevent bailouts? Finance blogger Mike Konczal joins Chris Hayes to ta...

Jul 23, 2010 / Chris Hayes

Representative-elect Bernie Sanders at an orientation for Congressional freshmen, November 28, 1990.

Bernie Sanders: No To Oligarchy Bernie Sanders: No To Oligarchy

While the middle class disappears and more Americans fall into poverty, the wealthiest people in our country are using their wealth and political power to protect their privileged ...

Jul 22, 2010 / Sen. Bernie Sanders
