The Unemployed Netroots Are Gaining Power The Unemployed Netroots Are Gaining Power
There are people who have been unemployed for six months and there are some who have been unemployed for 99 months or more. Congress should watch out for the 1.5 million unemployed...
Jul 29, 2010 / The Rachel Maddow Show
Noted. Noted.
Katrina vanden Heuvel on the passing of Iris Dornfeld McWilliams; Rajeshree Sisodia on new accountability for energy firms.
Jul 29, 2010 / The Editors
It’s Time to Fix the Estate Tax It’s Time to Fix the Estate Tax
It's been said that only death and taxes are certain. But the "death tax" is anything but certain right now. Costing the Treasury billions, Congress has allowed the estat...
Jul 26, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
This Week At Views On Race and the Progressive Base This Week At Views On Race and the Progressive Base
Views on race and the progressive base. Plus: The case for Elizabeth Warren, and JoAnn Wypijewski on "the party of no."
Jul 23, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Breakdown: Will the Financial Reform Bill Prevent Future Meltdowns? The Breakdown: Will the Financial Reform Bill Prevent Future Meltdowns?
Obama signed the Frank-Dodd bill into law this week. What does the bill do to reform Wall Street, and will it prevent bailouts? Finance blogger Mike Konczal joins Chris Hayes to ta...
Jul 23, 2010 / Chris Hayes

Bernie Sanders: No To Oligarchy Bernie Sanders: No To Oligarchy
While the middle class disappears and more Americans fall into poverty, the wealthiest people in our country are using their wealth and political power to protect their privileged ...
Jul 22, 2010 / Sen. Bernie Sanders
Making the Economy More Just Making the Economy More Just
Structural financial reform will come not through the sweep of a single piece of legislation, but with new innovative economic models that better reflect the democratic values of t...
Jul 22, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Grinches Who Stole Summer The Grinches Who Stole Summer
With their lock-step vote against extending unemployment benefits, the Republicans are indelibly marked as not only heartless but also frivolous.
Jul 21, 2010 / Robert Scheer
The Case For Elizabeth Warren The Case For Elizabeth Warren
As the bankers and corporate lobbyists fight to diminish new financial regulation, Elizabeth Warren—leading activist and thinker in favor of reform—should be the top co...
Jul 20, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Slide Show: Firestone’s ‘State Within a State’ in Liberia Slide Show: Firestone’s ‘State Within a State’ in Liberia
For over 85 years, Firestone’s massive rubber plantation in western Liberia has operated as a state within a state, not only serving as the second largest employer in a count…
Jul 19, 2010 / Photo Essay / The Nation